The new season of "The Bachelor" started a few weeks ago on ABC, and yet again, it has become a guilty pleasure! Ben Higgins, the handsome new bachelor, has stolen the hearts of viewers across America, but the women on the show make me want to scream because they're so ridiculous sometimes! Maybe ridiculous is what it requires for a reality TV show though.
1. This is NOT a competition!
The whole point of "The Bachelor" is to find love! So why do the girls act like they're losing if they don't get a rose? Love is mutual! If he doesn't have feelings for you, why do you want to be there? The other girls aren't "stealing" your man, he chooses the girls he has feelings for. The girls on this show act like it's a battle between life and death whether or not this boy gives them a rose. If you want a competition, go on "Iron Chef!"
2. Umm. She's crazy!
Why are they all so obsessive? They don't even really know him yet...and the fact that they openly admit to social media stalking just makes them crazier! I mean, yeah, we all Facebook stalk, but only crazy people admit it.
3. Cool it with the drama!
She walked in on your conversation with him, but you interrupted the other girl. She got the group date rose, but he pulled you aside specially. It's all about perspective, ladies!
4. Wow! I want her dress!
Rose ceremony nights always mean dressing up and I usually find myself wanting to wear some of the dresses the girls have. I mean, I'd look that good too if ABC was financing my date night wardrobe...
5. Remember what you signed up for!
You knew you signed up to date a guy who is also dating 20 other women. You're not the only one there. You're not engaged to him but neither is the girl next to you. You didn't sign up for a normal relationship!
6. Why are they being so mean to each other?
This is so frustrating to me because all of the girls are so dramatic and so rude to each other because they see this as a competition. There are 20+ women on this show and only one Ben Higgins. So there are 19 women for whom this is an opportunity to walk away with a good friend if they aren't the one to walk away with a husband.
7. Y'all JUST met!
Remember in "The Little Mermaid" when Triton told Ariel she couldn't go on land to be with Eric because they didn't know each other? Same thing goes here, except there's no one keeping these girls in check.
8. This guy is so nice. He seems really genuine.
He seems so humble and charming and cute and he was so nice when Amanda told him about her kids... Sigh... I wonder if there's a guy like him on campus...
9. That looks like a fun date... I want to go on a date!
Let's face it. College boys aren't always the most proactive about asking girls out on dates, so when the bachelor takes a girl on a fun date, you can't help but want the same!
10. SO many hugs and kisses!
First thing he says is "Oh, I want to get to know everyone before I kiss them." Next thing we know, he's kissing everyone! Hope he's got a lot of chapstick on hand...
11. You can't ALL have magical connections with him!
You barely know him. You're not in love. You might be eventually, but you've talked with him for a total of five minutes... They're basically fangirling over him.
12. Going home totally isn't the end of the world.
Sigh. Y'all need to chill. Yeah, rejection hurts a lot but just because you're going home doesn't mean the world is falling apart. Relationships go two ways. If he doesn't see you as his wife, then it's probably for the best. Take a breath. You're still wonderful even if the boy doesn't like you.
13. Chris Harrison, we don't need your commentary...
"Ladies, Ben, this is the final rose of the evening." Umm. Yeah, Chris. We KNOW! We totally don't need you to remind us. You adding an extra pause just gives us all more anxiety. We just want to know who's getting the rose!
14. I'd accept that rose!
I mean, I don't think this needs an explanation. If he offered you a rose, wouldn't you accept it?