The semester has ended and you just finished one of many fashion internships…
Whether you’re studying design or the business side of fashion, here’s a list of things that have transpired at the office:
- You left the office covered in enough thread/fabric fuzz to make a new ensemble.
- Blisters started to form on your hands from cutting hundreds of fabric swatches.
- You obliterated an excel sheet.
- You and the printer have become one with each other.
- The storage is full on your phone because you have hundreds sample pictures.
- Approvals. (If you know what these are, you can feel the pain.)
- The burning hot feeling on your skin from a steamer.
- Measuring has become your forte.
- Foreign vendors replied to your email referring to you as "Intern," because of your name. Like that isn't enough of a reminder.
- The anxiety of covering reception for a short hour.
- Searching for styles/fabric in the archive
- More approvals
- Being told to go ask another coworker for something and having no idea who they are/where they sit.
- Hearing in the background, "Oh yeah, the intern can do it." We don't have real names most of the time.
The list can go on and on. Just remember, you won't be the Intern forever.