Moving out of your house and going away to college makes you really appreciate being home and everything about it. Summer is long awaited, and there are more than a few things that will be super nice to come home to.
1. No classes
Goodbye for the next four months. Exams, assignments due at midnight and studying will for sure not be missed this summer.
2. Sleep
College can really mess with your sleep schedule. You’ll find yourself staying up until 3 a.m., at the earliest, every night. So, when it’s time to come home, enjoy being able to go to sleep whenever you want without being kept up by exams or loud roommates and enjoy being able to turn off your alarm clock and sleep in.
3. Your own bed
Compared to a dorm bed, your own bed will make you feel like you’re on cloud nine, and you will be able to spend as much time as you want binge watching Netflix and spending days in bed this summer.
4. Your own room
Coming home to your own room is always much needed. You have privacy, your own space and none of the inconveniences of a cramped dorm room.
5. Your house
Living in the dorm can be fun and crazy, but there’s always no place like home.
6. Your family
Moving out for college makes you appreciate your family a million times more when you are able to come home to them.
7. Your pets
It’s always nice to come home to someone you know who misses you living at home more than anyone else.
8. Your car
A lot of people aren’t able to bring their cars to college and can go through serious withdrawal without being able to drive themselves around. Coming home for summer means being able to take your car out on long drives with the windows down just simply because you want to. You don’t have to depend on other people to take you places, and you can go wherever you want all the time.
9. Home-cooked meals
Need I say anything else? Coming home means no more nightmarish dining hall food, and that, in itself, is a blessing.
10. Laundry machines you don’t have to pay for
It’s a small task that is usually overlooked, but it’s nice when you don’t have to wait two weeks until your laundry piles up enough to have to go do it because it’s usually just a quick walk to your laundry room. Also, you don't have to worry about strangers stealing your laundry or taking it out and leaving it in huge piles just because you didn't come and get it the second the timer went off.
11. Old friends
Nothing is better than coming home to your friends and sharing all your crazy stories and catching up on each others lives.
12. Familiar places
When you come home, you will appreciate how everything and everywhere you go is familiar. You know how to get around and remember all your normal shortcuts and favorite places. You’ll appreciate your usual hangout places, favorite small, local restaurants and just knowing how to get around so easily.
13. Showering without flip flops
The first time you shower without flip flops on may be a little weird just because you’re so used to it, but then you’ll forget what showering with shoes on is even like. Also, coming home means having bath tubs and just being able to relax in the bath.
14. Your gym
The freshman 15 is not a myth. I repeat, the freshman 15 is not a myth. Although it may not always be a gain of 15 pounds, putting on a little weight your freshman year of college is completely normal (as I was told). When you come home, you can go back to your regular gym and feel comfortable working out in a familiar place.