We are a special group of people.
Every day we make time to go to the gym even if were too busy and have too much work to do, we will find the time to get to the gym even if it means waking up at 4 am.
Whether we lift weights, run, bike, yoga, spin, row we are all categorized in the same category, we are gym rats. We spend more time at the gym than we do at home. We keep going even when our mind tells us we cant. We won't stop until we've reached our goal of the day and we won't let anyone stop us from doing so. We talk too much about what we do at the gym, what we eat, our supplements but it's our life. If you are a gym rat like myself, here's a couple things you'll understand.
1. Having more clothes for the gym than clothes for every day life.
2. The face you make when someone takes the treadmill next to you when all the rest are open.
3. When you hit a new weight while lifting

4. That first sip of pre-workout
5. That feeling of your lungs burning when you finish running
6. Thinking you're going to pee your pants if you do anymore double unders
7. Internally screaming while doing burpees

8. Going to the gym at a different time than usually and not seeing the regulars there
9. Seeing someone from the gym in "real life"
10. When you don't do as well on a workout as you'd hoped
11. When you do better on a workout than you thought
12. Begging your friends to go to the gym with you
13. When they finally say they'd go to the gym with you
14. Admitting you're addicted to the gym

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