1. The competition
The competition is just so intense. In college there are intramurals and pick-up games, but never again is the level of competition the same as when you were in high school.
2. Teammates who are also your best friends
There is just something about being on a team together that creates that bond. When you bleed, sweat, lose, and win together, you pretty much see all the sides to a person. Plus you share a common love for a great sport, so obviously you are super close. You love each other. And when the last game ended man were there so many tears. So. Many. Tears.
3. The sweat
There's nothing like finishing a practice or game drenched in sweat. Anyone who isn't an athlete doesn't understand, but sweat equals productiveness. No matter how bad you smell, you feel like you accomplished something.
4. The anticipation of big games
Gosh just thinking about those big games makes you excited all over again. You know, the ones that you know are going to be close. The do-or-die situations. Win or go home. You will never forget those games.
5. The bruises
They are so ugly, but you wouldn't trade them for the world. They are your battle scars and your stories.
6. Practice everyday
Sure there were the days that you didn't want to go to practice, but you showed up to get better. You planned when to do your homework based on practice, and you were comfortable with your structured everyday routine. Plus it was more time you got to spend with your best friends.
Never again will you be as in shape as you were when you were playing sports in high school. There is just something about running up and down the field at a full sprint that keeps you in shape.
8. Team bonding
Turns out all those times that you and your teammates practiced in the pouring rain/sleet/snow/sideways rain actually made for pretty good bonding experiences. Aka another reason you and your teammates are best friends.
9. The weird tan lines
The tan lines are pretty much inevitable and they go so much farther than a farmer's tan. You had a farmer's tan, a shorts tan, and if you played soccer then a shin guard tan too. You usually got some weird looks when you went on beach vacations.
10. Tournament weekends
Those weekends were the best. Getting to spend the whole weekend with your best friends playing a sport you love just doesn't compare to anything else.
11. The battle
You will always secretly miss the battle that the game was. Going up one-on-one with someone the whole game. Battling through the aching muscles and tiredness. Battling to the last whistle. It's part of why you loved the sport to begin with.
12. The workout
Conditioning was awful but man was it a workout. Now if you want to workout you have to have self-motivation and it isn't nearly as much fun.
13. The after-game meals
Team meals. Enough said. Just sitting there with your best friends and their families truly is the best.
14. The sport
You will always just miss the sport itself and the way it used to be. You loved the game and it will forever remain a part of you.