We all know the haunting feeling of looking back at old pictures – cringing at those braces, flared jeans and excessive use of peace signs. With that dreadful feeling comes regretful and sort of nostalgic feelings, and you remember how stupid you were back then. You remember all the things that meant so much then and mean absolutely nothing now. You remember all the people who aren’t even in your world anymore and laugh at how much time and attention you once gave them. These are 15 things I wish I could go back and tell myself.
1. Thank your parents
They may drive you crazy at this point and embarrass you all the time, but trust me you will miss every thing about them when you don’t seem them for months at a time. You never think it is going to happen but once you leave for college you develop an unbelievable appreciation for your parents. You try to thank them, but you cannot even put into words how grateful you are for all they have done and still do for you. So, don’t be a little brat and thank them now.
2. That boy ends up being a loser. Your mom was right – what a surprise
I know I know that boy, probably football captain, most popular guy, the “it” guy, doesn’t go anywhere. Surprise, surprise you loved him at his peak. “The man” isn’t so cool when everyone goes to college and he doesn’t have the sickest house parties anymore. He doesn’t do well in college, or doesn’t even go, and lives at home while you’re off changing the world. So Ashley, listen to your mom. He’s a loser.
3. Be more confident. It will change your life
You don’t realize it at this point, but you are a pretty awesome person and there are a lot of amazing things coming your way after high school. Keep your head up and shoulders back and stop second-guessing every single thing you do. Confidence really is the most attractive thing; you will discover that in college don’t worry. I really believe if you had more confidence your life would change.
4. Enjoy this time it goes by way faster than you think
I know you are in such a hurry in this point of your life, you are so excited for college and you should be it is going to be the greatest time, but slow down. Stop counting down the days, stop wishing away moments, and just enjoy. These next couple years go by way too fast and you will wish you had slowed down and enjoyed them a lot more.
5. Don't rush to grow up. Allow some things to happen in the future.
You don’t have to do everything right now. Remember how young you are. There are so many things that can wait, just because everyone is doing it, doesn’t mean you should. Everything comes when it should; you just have to wait a little. So pipe down and cherish how young you are.
6. High school parties are worth missing, don't worry
Standing around in some kids basement is not as cool as you think. Trust me.
7. Study hard and actually do your homework. It will pay off when you get into your dream college
I know it's easy to breeze through high school, but don’t do it. Work your butt off; it is so worth it when you get that acceptance letter from the number one journalism school (shout out to Mizzou.)
8. But don't stress yourself out too much. High school is a piece a cake compared to college
With that being said, you absolutely should work hard, but trust me it gets way harder form here. I know algebra and history seem hard now but when you have to take a 2000 level journalism class that literally makes you want to curl up in a ball and cry, you will wish you could go back to high school math class. Don’t let the stress of high school get to you; it will seem like a walk in the park once you get to college.
9. Stop caring so much about what people think
Right now your reputation means everything to you, and what people think and say about you runs your life. Stop that. Who cares what people think, especially people you will never see again. You will learn later that you cannot please everyone, everyone is not going to love you and that’s OK, just learn to love yourself and live your life.
10. Pet your dog A LOT trust me you will miss that more than you think
Go hug Tucker right now and never let go. The number one thing everyone misses in college is their dog. It’s the truth.
11. Tell your friends and family how much you love them
You may take them for granted now when you get to see them every day, but you will miss them like crazy later on. When you don’t get to see, or talk to them every day you will wish you had appreciated them when you could. Tell them how much they mean to you every day, you will wish you did it more later on.
12. Save your money; YOU WILL NEED IT
Don’t spend all your money the summer before college. Save all your money you made working, you will need it. In a few years, you will only have about eight dollars to your name and will really wish you learned how to save money earlier.
13. College is an amazing time, so get excited
I know your super scared about the future, but you shouldn’t be. Things only get better for you from this point on. You are going to go to an awesome college that you absolutely fall in love with. You are going to meet people that change your life and become your family. You are going to achieve things you never thought possible. So get pumped, your life right now is freaking great.
14. No one will remember any of what you're doing now so who cares
I know you think everything that happens in high school means the world and everyone will always remember it, but believe me, you will forget 80 percent of your high school career, and so will everyone else. No one remembers what parties’ people went to, or what you did that one weekend or who you know. or Just do you and have fun; no one even remembers it anyway.