Finals week is coming and it might be natural to want to scream and run away, but have no fear I can help. Don't you worry cupcake, you will survive this unbearable week if you just utilize these fourteen things.
1. Coffee
Finals week is an excuse to get multiple venti iced coffees. It's definitely a must have to make all-nighters or even all day-ers.
2. Netflix
It's almost mandatory to take a break during finals week (or any week) to binge watch shows. I personally recommend "Supernatural", "Gilmore Girls", or "Orange Is The New Black".
3. Actually studying
I know you don't want to do it. No one wants to do it. But, if you don't you are almost definitely going to fail. So suck it up and look at those pages for at least ten minutes.
4. Study groups
Study groups are very beneficial because you realize that none of you know what the hell you're doing.
5. Shia Lebeouf memes
One of my best friends Emily constantly sends inspirational Shia memes to our chat and it makes my life. I suggest you do the same with your friends.
6. Memes in general
Memes are a gift from heaven above. I don't think anyone can look at a meme and not laugh.
7. Lots and lots of food
Food is also a great thing sent from the heaven above. When you are happy, you can eat. When you are sad, you can eat. When you are stressed out, you can eat. You get where I'm going with this.
8. Friends
Your friends will always be there when you need them, and if they aren't then you need some new friends. Friends help each other get through finals. (also a binge-worthy show to watch).
9. Family
Family is the friends you can't choose. However, they will always be there for support.
10. Making up songs to keep yourself sane like Marshall Erickson.
I don't know how many times I've sung "I need to memorize this page and I will get myself a cookie."
11. Music
There's nothing that The Beatles, Kendrick, or Maroon 5 can't help, not even finals.
12. Sleep
I can hear you laughing through the screen, but seriously you will feel better and more relaxed if you get at least six hours of sleep.
13. The promise that summer is soon
It's almost here, you can do it.
14. Sports
No matter if you like to watch baseball, softball, hockey, etc it will help distract you from endless self-doubt.