Sisters, the people you can always rely on and who will never let you down. They steal your clothes, shoes, and try to steal your room. They're best friends you don't have to worry are being fake because you read right through them — you know when they're being fake and you usually laugh about it together. Through all the late-night talks about drama, boys, fights, and the fam — always connected no matter how far apart. Here's some important things to tell them:
1. You're beautiful and don’t ever let anyone tell you that you aren’t
2. You will get your heart broken more than once
3. Be young while you can
4. Stop stealing all my clothes
5. Learn from your mistakes
6. Listen to mom and dad — they really do know best
7. Be confident not stuck up
8. Don’t be afraid to fall in love
9. Be honest and kind
10. Care about school, it really does pay off
11. You will learn your real friends from your fake friends the hard way
12. Let the haters hate, they are just jealous of you.
13. Always find your way home, no matter how far you wander
14. I love you, and I will be here and support you forever
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