I once read that what you put up with, you end up with, and that one sentence never left me. I refuse to put up with shit because I refuse to end up with shit and that is all there is to it.
I'm headstrong, sarcastic, opinionated, loud, and every one of my thoughts is written blatantly across my face. This is probably why I'm still single. I'm good with that. What you don't see at first glance is that I love SO hard and I will make an incredible wife.... to the right man.
Some say I'm picky; I say that I have standards. Ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing wrong with either. There's a chance I won't find what I'm looking for and after much reflection, I know that I'm good with that life too.
1. I love hard and you should too
I refuse to just exist with someone. Carrie Bradshaw said it best. "I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't live without each other love."
2. Loyalty
If you can't be as loyal as an old dog, you're barking up the wrong tree.
3. Kindness, Respect, and Manners
Please and thank you still go a long way with me. A person who is not kind to the waiter is not a kind person. Don't put on a show for me and expect me to overlook your behavior towards people you don't know.
4. Intelligence
I just cannot.
5. A humble heart
Boastful and cocky are simply obnoxious.
6. I need you to need things from me
My soul feeds off of making others happy.
7. Humor
The ability to make me laugh is a requirement... so is the ability to laugh at yourself.
8. Let's talk about babies
I'm good with being a mom. I am also good if that is a title I never get. I need you to be daddy material but also be okay if it turns out to be just us.
9. A compassionate soul
10. Effort
There is no chance that I will be okay with putting in 100 percent while you consistently put in significantly less.
11. Thoughtfulness
Flowers on a random Thursday will get you so many more brownie points than flowers on Valentines Day.
12. Responsible and dependable
I handle my own shit and I am not looking to sign up to be a grown ass man's momma.
13. An incomparable work ethic
I have one. Do you?
14. Equality
I need a man who can bring home the bacon and fry it too.
Just believe me when I say, I know what I bring to the table, and I'm not afraid to eat alone.