Almost every girl my age grew up watching "Lizzie McGuire," and if they didn't, at the very least they can recognize the little cartoon blonde character that talks as the voice in Lizzie's head at times. This show taught me more about life in my pre-pubescent years than anyone or anything else. I learned valuable life lessons that I still remember today, which is why the little cartoon Lizzie is one of the many stickers on my laptop, to remind me of these things. Here are 14 of the most important lessons "Lizzie McGuire" has taught me:
1. Love yourself entirely.
2.Trying to understand boys is exhausting and just plain confusing.
3. Sometimes the right person is closer than you think. *cough* Gordo *cough*
4. The bond you have with your best friend is unbreakable and should remain as such, no matter what.
5. You gotta speak up for what you believe in.
6. Getting over someone is hard.
7. Even the trendiest girls struggle to look good sometimes.
8. Don't ever try to be something that you’re not.
9. The right answer to everything is junk food and trashy reality TV.
10. Treat yo’ self!
11. You will always need your parents, no matter how old you are.
12. But it's OK to tell them "I got this" sometimes.
14. “The tide is high but I’m holding on.” – clearly one of the most important quotes from Lizzie, like ever.
Years later, Lizzie’s advice still rings true. If you ask me, I think a reunion is in order. Sometimes I think about the role models that are out there today, and it saddens me that they're not characters like Lizzie McGuire. Life used to be so easy and innocent. This show always brings back those memories for me. So thank you Lizzie for teaching me about myself and about life in such an amazing, fun way.