We all know that finals week takes a toll on just about every college student ever. There's all the accurate memes and articles about how torturous the all-nighters and study cram sessions are, but I'm going to keep this more positive and talk about all the things we have to look forward to once finals and the semester are over.
1. Sleep
After spending sleepless nights in the library cramming an entire semesters worth of information into your head, sleep is well deserved and very needed.
2. Seeing your parents
When you first get home there's nothing greater than being welcomed with hugs and unconditional love. Even though they like to remind you how active you were in high school and how you should be utilizing the recreation center more and taking vitamins and eating more vegetables.
3. Holidays
This is a fun one and very self-explanatory.
4. Home-cooked meals
I definitely have been making a list of my favorite foods that my mom cooks that I want her to make while I'm home.
5. Your dog
I fully intend on surviving finals just so that I can go home to my dog at the end of the semester. If you don't have a dog or cat or some sort of pet back home then I feel sorry for you.
6. Sleep
I think this one is such a big thing that I'm looking forward to, so, of course, it had to make the list twice.
7. No Homework
After weeks and weeks of non-stop projects, homework, and exams there's going to be none of that for a whole three weeks and it's going to be amazing.
8. Watching Netflix without feeling guilty
You ever binge watch an entire series and then regret it because you could have been so productive with those days? Well, winter break is purely for indulging in some of your favorite TV shows and feel no sign of guilt. Except for maybe the fact that you haven't left the couch in a couple of days.
9. Having time for a social life
I use this term loosely, just because I have time for a social life doesn't mean that I have one or intend to leave my cozy house. But the thought is there.
10. Doing absolutely nothing
You ever just have those days where you want to do absolutely nothing but you know that you have about 500 assignments that need to get done?
11. Harassing your siblings
This is another one that I intend to take full advantage of. Every time that I'm bored I lay on my brother's bed until he literally drags me out of his room. It's a hobby.
12. Seeing your hometown friends
I haven't kept in touch with that many of my old high school friends, however, it'll definitely be nice to see the ones that I have kept in touch with.
13. New Years
Fresh start. 2017 will be our year. Maybe.
14. Getting a chance to actually miss being at school
After being home all of winter break, the longing to head back to college is so nice. You get new motivation and you miss your college friends. Winter break is nice, but being home is only nice for so long until you miss campus and your friends again.