14 Things Every Country Kid Will Recognize | The Odyssey Online
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14 Things Every Country Kid Will Recognize

Muddin`, country music, the great outdoors and southern food filled your awesome childhood.

14 Things Every Country Kid Will Recognize

Growing up as a military kid, I moved around a lot. I actually loved it though, and was fortunate enough to always be in the South. Although each state in the South has its own quirks and trademarks, there is definitely common ground for "Southern folk." Here are 14 things all country kids will recognize!

1. You owned or knew someone who owned one of these.

No summer was complete without swimming in one of these blue beauties. If you were fancy, it was a permanent above ground pool.

2. You listened to these guys nonstop.

Your parents played the CDs on a player anytime you had friends over or the family was just having an outdoor day in the yard.

3. These two were the definition of badass women.

Every country girl sang her heart out to "Redneck Woman" and "Gunpowder and Lead."

4. These were more precious than gold.

Nothing tasted as good as a free Dilly Bar from Dairy Queen.

5. You made gallons upon gallons of this stuff.

And you had to add at least a whole cup of sugar.

6. It was common to see these on back porches.

Still the best lighting, in your opinion.

7. You learned to drive on this.

And the first time you drove on a backroad, you were probably between nine and 15 years old.

8. Your parents were "a nervous wreck" when you rode this for the first time.

Or they rode on the four wheeler with you.

9. This is a well-balanced meal.

Fried and smothered in gravy was a good meal to you.

10. You aaw this used at least once a day.

Everyone carried these in their pockets.

11. This was your first dance lesson.

You learned how to two-step in your school's P.E. class.

12. Easter was a big deal for your mom's photo album.

Pastels, holding your sibling's hand, frilly white socks and clothes you probably hated started your Easter morning every single year.

13. This was a huge milestone in your life.

Shooting your first gun or killing something for the first time is a right of passage for country kids.

14. This was the best prank.

Whether you called it "wrapping" or "TPing," this was so fun to do at sleepovers.

You had an awesome childhood, even if many people don't get the appeal of "country."

To those people you say: Bless your heart.

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