Deciding what to pack for college is stressful. There is so much you want to bring, but so little you need. Even with college websites offering packing lists, that doesn't prepare you for the little things you need. The following are items that I suggest every freshman (or student in general) needs for college.
1. Comfortable shoes for walking around campus.
Most likely, you won't be used to walking "so far" from class to class, so stay comfortable!
2. A note book for every class you're taking.
Even if you end up not needing one, I suggest being prepared. Those that you don't use can be saved for the next semester.
3. A fan.
Regardless of if you need it hot or cold to sleep, a fan will help you drown out those noises you're not used to. And if your room doesn't have AC, even a small fan helps with circulation.
4. A desk lamp for your, well, desk.
This will come in handy for nights when your roommate is asleep. My suggestion is the one from Bed Bath & Beyond which is similar to mine because it has places to put pens and business cards.
5. Sticky notes.
They don't have to be fancy, but sticky notes are great for leaving good thought notes to yourself (or your roommate). Sticky notes are also great for organizing your thoughts visually.
6. A stapler.
A stapler will make you one of the popular people in the classroom. There are still teachers who like things printed, and a lot of people forget to make sure they have their stuff stapled.
7. Rain boots (and snow boots).
Especially if you're moving far north for school, I would suggest some snow boots. Regardless, I suggest rain boots for the rainy days and the snowy days.
8. A pill box.
It's good to have a safe place to keep your medicine. But it's also helpful to have a medicine kit that has other necessities such as ibuprofen and allergy medicine.
9. Basic cleaning supplies.
You'll obviously want to make sure you bring laundry detergent. However, I've found having wet wipes on hand makes random cleaning easy.
10. Single-cup coffee maker.
I love K-cups. They can make tea, coffee, soup and more! However, this Black & Decker (shown above) is what I have and I have to admit I love it. You put the coffee grounds in and so you have control over roasts and strength.
11. An umbrella.
A small, compact umbrella is what I suggest because that way you can carry it around with you easier. An umbrella is good year-round for rain or snow.
12. A tote bag OR a backpack.
I love overpacking. I'm very good at it. But, I have one tote bag that I use for the whole school year and I only use it for my school supplies. Do I have more than one bag? Sure. But I have one designated bag for school supplies.
13. Nail clippers.
You never know when you'll need them.
14. A water bottle.
It's great to have a water bottle handy for class or working out. But, it also is a great option for drinking water instead of bringing actual water glasses.