19 is an awkward age. You're an adult but still a teenager, so you're not a "full" adult yet. At this age, you seem to have everything figured out. You feel like you have time to plan out your future. You feel like you can take on the world all on your own. But in reality, you may have some things figured out, but not everything. I know this because I am 19. Instead of thinking so much about your future, do something to make that thought a reality.
1. See something that you like? Go get it.
You want the new Michael Kors purse or a new Xbox? Get it. Plan and save the money to get it, and then, that baby will be yours. You want your dream job? Study your butt off, ace those exams, and do everything possible to get it. If you want something, do what you can to get it. Just believe in yourself and you can do anything you set your mind to.
2. Save, Save, Save!
I know, saving money comes hard to some of us (like me), and to others, saving is something they've been doing since day one. Even if it's a dollar a day, that's $365 at the end of the year. Save it for your future house, or a car, or even Christmas presents!
3. Appreciate life.
I know it's a cliche thing to say, but seriously, the more you appreciate your life, the more you will enjoy every little thing in it, even those days when it is just pouring rain.
4. Be helpful.
Help out your sibling or that classmate that's having troubles. Even hold the door for someone. Donate your old stuff to Goodwill instead of throwing it away. Helping out anyone, even those who don't really need help, can brighten their day, and yours too.
5. Say thank you.
This one kind of corresponds with the previous topic. When someone does something for you, say thank you. Even it's someone holding the door open for you, saying thank you could make their day go by easier. You also come off as a nice person, which can go a long way. You know what they say; first impressions are the most important.
6. Be happy!
Some days, it's harder than others. Other days, you can't stop grinning. Just one smile or laugh a day can really make you happier.
7. Know it's okay to cry.
I know, I just said be happy. But there are those days where it's easier to cry. Go ahead, cry it all out. Don't let those feelings bottle up inside of you until you explode. I'll tell you now, it's okay. Everyone cries, and some days, we just need to let it all out. So cry it all out, honey.
8. Tell them you love them.
Whether that's your family, friends, or your pet, tell them that you love them. Yeah, they might think that you want something, but just hearing those words really means something. You never know when you won't be able to tell them again. So shower them with your love!
9. Work hard.
The harder you work, the more everything will pay off (and the more you can party or watch Netflix!) and will get you closer to your dreams.
10. Stay strong.
I know times get tough, but keep your head up. There are going to be times when it's hard to roll out of bed, but you have to power through it so you can keep powering through everything else.
11. Plan.
Plan for tomorrow, next week, and even next year. Whether it's what you're going to eat or what internship you want, plan for it. Planning makes figuring out what you need easier.
12. Enjoy everything.
This goes along with number three, but enjoy it all. Enjoy the days that you get to sleep in and enjoy the extra fries you get on accident.
13. Think smart.
I'm not just talking about when you go to parties (always think smart at those), but think. Think before you say something. Think before you purchase something that you don't need. And think before you make a big decision. Thinking can get you a long way in life!
14. Just relax!
After all of these things that I have said that you need to do, these is probably the most important. If you're stressed out or upset, you can't think clearly or work hard. Relaxing can clear the mind and let you calm down. It melts away the stress, the frustration, and even the sadness. Relaxing can make you happier and enjoy things more. So on those days where you have a few minutes of free time, just relax.
I know that all of these things can be hard to accomplish, but go for all of them!! Even some of these can make life easier and can better prepare you for what the future holds. You may find some of these helpful or even find something else to add to your list. I just wish that someone would've told me these things before I turned 19, but now that I'm days from turning 20, I want to pass this knowledge on to you.
So reach for the stars, lovelies.