Emetophobia is the fear of vomit: either vomiting yourself or being around other people when they do it. I've had fairly severe emetophobia ever since I watched Home Alone when I was 4 years old. It sounds like a silly fear, but it's actually pretty intense and can even be debilitating. Here are a few ways being emetophobic can influence one's life:
1. Never getting drunk enough to puke.
2. Trying to talk your friends out of getting drunk enough to puke.
3. Being unable to effectively comfort your sick friends.
(But that doesn't mean you don't try from a distance.)
4. Planning to adopt kids, just in case of morning sickness.
Just kidding, you can't even adopt because either way you have to deal with your kids puking.
5. Getting psyched for your flu shot!
Because going without would be UNTHINKABLE.
6. Becoming a certified germaphobe as soon as someone near you feels sick to their stomach.
7. Psyching yourself out on roller coasters.
"Someone is going to vomit on me. I just know it."
8. Carrying Pepto Bismol and 4 different kinds of antacids in your purse.
And generously offering them to anyone you suspect might be in need.
9. Getting so nervous about feeling sick that you actually make yourself feel sick.
10. Panicking every time you do feel slightly nauseous.
11. This is you when people barf in movies you're watching:
Even if it's just a cartoon.
13. Being unamused when your friends joke about puking or gagging.
"You mock my pain."
I'm not taking any chances.
14. Generally living in constant fear.