Let's be real, anyone who has a dog knows that it if we could, we would text our dogs all day long. If they could text us, our thread would look something like...
1. "Are you coming home soon?! Let's go out!"
2. "So not to be weird... but you never ended up answering me last night... Am I the good boy? Idk I just want to be clear on our relationship I don't want to be lead on if I'm not."
3. "The cat is being such a bit** I literally can't stand her"
4. "Hey, just wondering, are you going to wear those black booties tonight? If you are, I'll chew the zipper out of the brown ones instead."
5. "Okay, so don't freak out, but something not so chill happened on the rug..."
6. "Are there any leftovers in the trash? I'm not gonna get into it, I was just curious. Love u."
7. "If you're reading this... bring Milk Bones."
8. "Hey, what's for dinner tonight?! Purina again?"
9. "Miss you!!"
10. "Are you gonna eat that food on the counter or is that for everyone? Asking for the cat."
11. "I LOVE YOU"
12. "OMG, I can't wait for you to come home on break! Can you sleep in the guest room tho? Mom said I could have your room when you moved out. Love u!"
13. "Ice cream date later?!"
14. "We should go for a walk I need to get my ass back in shape for summer. You should be my workout buddy!"
15. "Netflix and chill tonight?"
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