Like many people in our generation, SpongeBob SquarePants was an important part of our Saturday morning cartoons. For awhile, I could have easily summarized every episode, and knew quite a few of them by heart. So this summer, whether you're planning on frolicking through all the flowers, playing the ukulele, or picking noses and licking sand, be sure to follow in SpongeBob's footsteps in order to live like Larry.
How you feel about exams finally being over:
Finally, summer is here and the craziness of exam week is over. Spend the first week or two just relaxing and catching up on some much-needed TLC.
How you and your friends envision spending all your newfound free time:
Whether you're spending a night out on the town or staying in to watch movies, you're sure to have a blast. Netflix and nail polish are your go-to's.
How you actually end up spending most of your time:
Having time to watch Netflix or Hulu alone is a blessing and a curse. But no worries! Alone time with your guilty pleasure TV show is important, too.
How you look after your first tan of the season:
It maybe got a little darker than you hoped. Take as hot a shower as you can stand to get the sunburn to heal faster.
How you feel on your first day of your new summer job:
"Am I really qualified for this job?" you might be thinking. Of course! Have a little faith in your abilities and your employer's choice of worker. You'll get it eventually!
When you finally get the hang of your new job:
See? No you're a pro. You go, Glen Coco.
How you feel after getting that first summer paycheck:
Roll in that dough! But maybe save a little too in case you have to cut back on your hours during the school year.
What you envision dinner looking like every night:
If only, if only. Unfortunately, pizza only has so many nutrients. Try refining your cooking skills this summer by experimenting with easy-to-make, healthier options to improve your diet during the school year.
How you hope your new summer workout routine will feel:
Fitness can be fun, right? Right! Zumba and pilates are fun alternatives to the usual running or weight lifting.
How you feel about your new summer wardrobe:
Classy, comfortable, and cool. Check out thrift stores for cheap, cute alternatives to those department store styles.
How you feel about the haters:
Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate... Who cares what other people think? This is your summer! Embrace it.
How you react to every cute boy who walks by:
He's not looking, is he?
How you start to feel when you realize school is going to start up again soon:
Wait, school? It's coming back? Maybe prep a little bit ahead of time so you're not scrambling for supplies the night before.
And when school comes back around, there's only one way to keep summer with you:
Summer will always be with you if you believe.