Short answer, EVERYTHING. But, here are just a few moments that are extremely taxing.
1. The awkward moment between ”Hello” and “Goodbye.”
Talking to someone is the most anxiety causing thing.... ever. Well maybe beside being around people in the first place.
2. Ordering food.
I feel like I spend twice stuttering as I do actually ordering. There are just so many choices and so many opportunities to mess up! Plus the added anxiety caused by human interaction. No thanks; I’ll use the ordering app.
3. Waiting in line at the store.
It’s the worst. Absolute torture. There are people in front of you, people behind you, and a teller staring and judging all your choices. Look, I know I have problems but this is honestly just awful.
4. When teachers ask you to introduce yourself to the class.
Two cool facts about me? I hate public speaking and I hate all of you.
5. Texting someone first.
What if they haven’t texted me because they hate me? What if I text them and they decided to hate me? What if I’m distracting them from doing something fun because I’m needy and stupid? What if I miss spell something?
6. Excusing oneself to use the restroom.
If I take too long they’ll think I’m pooping but what if I need to poop… Can people hear me peeing? What if they think I made the smell in here? Someone help me!
7. Hugs.
Just body contact and awkward silences… Like I love hugging, it feels nice but if I don’t know you and you randomly come up and hug me please don’t judge me when I act like a fish out of water.
8. When someone isn’t really a friend but more than an acquaintance.
We say hi in passing and like each others statuses… does that mean I can text you about what I ate for breakfast or nah?
9. Sarcastic people.
Are they joking or do they really hate me… I can’t tell! Help!
10. Group projects.
More interaction than I ever signed up for. Save me.
11. Ending conversations.
Is it rude to just walk away? Probably… Do I hug them? Are we close enough to hug? Do I actually want human contact? Why is this so difficult?
12. Calling people.
Funny story time: I’m dyslexic and was assigned the task of ordering the pizza. Well I called the number and they kept hanging up on me and I got very frustrated and screamed, “I just want to order a damn pizza” and the person on the other end just goes, “this is a paint shop” and hangs up. I still get sweaty just thinking about it.
13. Sweaty palms.
Sweating because you’re nervous, nervous because you’re sweaty. It’s a vicious cycle.
14. Going out.
Sure I want to go clubbing with you but I'm not going to. I'm going to stay inside where I'm safe with my five cats and netflix subscription.
I’m sure I could go on because just about everything pertaining to being a functioning person makes me an anxiety ball but I guess that’s why I’m diagnosed with social anxiety! So, good luck out there my fellow anxious pals! We will survive even through awkward minute-long hugs.