14 Signs You're A Picky Eater | The Odyssey Online
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14 Signs You're A Picky Eater

12. You can tell if you won't like a food without even tasting it.

14 Signs You're A Picky Eater
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My parents always told me when I was younger that being a picky eater was something I would grow out of. It is pretty typical for a five-year-old to eat chicken tenders every time they go out to eat, but when the trend continued into my late-teens, that’s when I knew it was time to classify myself as a picky-eater. Here are some other signs that you might be in the same boat.

1. You almost never order anything off the menu exactly as it's listed.

"Hello, yes, can I have this without the pickles, lettuce, tomato, or onions? Also, can I have fries on the side instead of the mixed veggies?"

2. Your lunches always consist of the same 3-5 foods.

What will it be today: peanut butter and jelly or chicken nuggets?

3. When people ask you where you want to eat, you can immediately name places that have the most plain options or where the staff won't judge you for your extremely specific requests.

Basically any fast-food restaurant is a safe bet.

4. You always tell yourself that you'll try something new, but rarely actually do.

Living dangerously just isn't your style.

5. More of your time at restaurants is spent picking things off your plate than eating your meal.

"At least the dog isn't picky."

6. You like surprises, except when it involves places to eat.

"At least tell me what type of food it is?"

7. You've grown used to the confused expressions on waiters' faces as well as their frantic writing.

*ten minutes later* "did you get all that?"

8. To ensure the least amount of error when ordering at a restaurant, sometimes you prescribe yourself with fake allergies.

"Yes, I'm allergic to sesame seeds, onions, coleslaw, and tomatoes."

9. If you visit a friend's house where they prepare the food, you probably won't like it. But you'll pretend to.

"How did you know I like my sandwich with everything on it..."

10. The kid's menu is always on your radar.

Happy meal toy included, of course.

11. Chicken tenders and macaroni & cheese are staples.

"Ma'am, this is a five-star restaurant, but there's a Wendy's around the corner."

12. You can just tell you won't like a food without even tasting it.

"How do you know you don't like it if you haven't tried it?" I just do, mom.

13. Having sauce or dressing already on your food is considered the most heinous of crimes.

Just throw my food on the ground while you're at it.

14. You know that a full fridge may as well be an empty one if none of your three 'safe foods' are inside.

You would rather starve than eat anything else.

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