14 Signs You're From The Town Of Ramapo | The Odyssey Online
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14 Signs You're From The Town Of Ramapo

From Sloatsburg to Airmont, these unique villages make one rockin' town.

14 Signs You're From The Town Of Ramapo

Ramapo is a town comprised of wonderful villages that make a great place to live. Like many locations across the country, we have our own quirks. Our traditions, activities, and pride show who we are. I'm so grateful to grow up in such a lively suburbia.

1. Airmont Diner is the place to go

Whether you've just got out of an intense hockey game at Sport-O-Rama, watched your friends in the school's play, or decided to grab something to eat with friends, Airmont Diner is the answer. From the curly fries to the milkshakes, the diner is bound to bring some joy to your conversations and your bellies. Bonus: the diner has great hours for fellow night owls!

2. "About 45 minutes away from the city"

Since mostly everyone isn't fully educated on the geography of counties in New York, it's always easier telling people you meet where you live in regards to the city. Some newbies will try to explain where the Town of Ramapo is, but in the end the same old catchphrase always comes into play.

3. Hockey is the best sport. Period.

Sure, Suffern High School offers many sports, but none have quite taken off like hockey. The team by far has the best fanbase (the proof being in the coordinated dress code for every home game) and has a prestigious history in success as well. Hockey underlines the true pride a SHS student has for their team and reputation.

4. Praying that Good Sam has snake anti-venom

OK, I know Ramapo isn't Australia, but we have our fair share of animals. Bears, coyotes, vultures, you name it (most of these are found in Sloatsburg). Along with them come the things that make everyone cringe: snakes. Many types of these reptiles are found in this town, including copperheads and rattlesnakes! Their poisonous bites and impressive camouflage can create quite a scene. Let's hope the nearest hospital has the anti-venom or you'll be the next star on Animal Planet.

5. When you crave Airmont Eats, but you're broke

Everyone likes to treat themselves once in a while. Airmont Eats has great food including their delicious sandwiches, salads, and soups. However, due to things being a little pricey, our wishes of having their food every day isn't likely. Pro tip: they have giftcards.

6. Red straw?

Ah, the infamous red straw in a clear Solo cup. These flood the halls of SHS in the morning and reveal the true coffee addicts. Bagel Boys' snickerdoodle iced coffees are legendary. People wake up early in the morning just to get them, meanwhile, I can't even get up to take a shower! You can find them anytime, even in the winter.

7. Ramapo is hiker heaven

New York is one of the many states in the U.S. gifted with picturesque locations. The Town of Ramapo is home to lakes, parks, and reserves that are awesome for any hardcore hiker! Kakiat Park, Ramapo Reservation (some of which is in New Jersey), and Harriman State Park are several areas that can bring a smile to anyone's face, including the novice, the dog walker and even the experienced trekker.

8. "The Mall" will always mean the Palisades

Luckily, Ramapo is conveniently within 30 minutes of many malls and shopping centers. The Palisades Mall is a great place to go if one wants to grab something to eat, go shopping, or watch a movie with friends. Yes, the Shops at Nanuet and Garden State Plaza have cool stores to offer as well, but the Palisades is the original spot. Everyone knows where you want to go when you suggest "the mall".

9. Sloatsburg is taken for granted

Most "Sloatsburgers" who went through the RCSD system have seen that their town is often made fun of. Either for having too much of a rural appearance or being too far away from the rest of Ramapo, we're the source of many jokes. Though we don't have a grocery store (we need to work on that), we do have citizens that are close and care for each other's wellbeing, appealing stores that have cheery staff, and many activities! If you're in the area, make sure to visit Harriman State Park or one of the beaches on Seven Lakes Drive.

10. Half of your friends work at ShopRite

Trust me, ShopRite has a gravitational pull for young workers. Everyone has at least one friend or knows somebody who works there. It's fun to see them in their job environment, but if you're like me, you hope that your Mom doesn't choose the checkout isle they're stationed at. (Also: during the summer, if not working at ShopRite, they're counselors).

11. Lafayette Theater

Lafayette Theater is one of the gems of Ramapo. Built in 1923 in Suffern, it's one of the oldest theaters in the country and even has a Wurlitzer organ that plays before the show starts! The older generations love going to see a movie here because they get to admire the classicism and architecture. But, a lot of the younger generations avoid Lafayette due to it's almost 100 year old seats, which are quite uncomfortable. To each their own.

12. Town of Ramapo meetings: drama central

One wouldn't think that Ramapo's hot gossip would be about corrupt supervisors (not naming any names) and wrongfully used taxpayer money. Usually it's about campaign difficulties or school drama, but not here! These juicy conversations are made more interesting with the weekly and monthly town meetings. It's fun to hear the new chants created by angry citizens. Plus, a lot of young citizens of the SHS community are involved as well, by fulfilling their requirements for community service or exercising their civic duty.

13. Mahwah is basically a second Suffern

Suffern and Mahwah, one village and one town from different states, so close that their division lines are unclear. Most people from Ramapo spend a lot of time in Mahwah for their unhealthy amount of icecream/froyo chains, outstanding restaurants, and amazing gas prices! I declare that Suffern shall absorb Mahwah as its own. Please, we only want your gas and Blueberry froyo... it'll make everything easier.

14. Craving Applebee's? Prepare to see at least five people you know

Going to Applebee's without seeing someone you know show be an Olympic sport. It's not going to be a problem if you're a social butterfly, but if you just want to get away from everyone and enjoy your "2 for $20", it's sadly not going to happen. Pro tip: if you want to avoid familiar faces, go after school (3 p.m.) or Monday through Thursday after 8 p.m.

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