For victims of oily skin, avoiding the greasy feeling and shiny look is exhausting. Hundreds of blotting sheets and oil-free moisturizers later, and all you're left with is an empty bank account and broken dreams of better skin. Here are 14 signs you struggle through life with oily skin.
1. You carry these around with you at all times.
Oil absorbing sheets are lifesavers and you would be lost without them.
2. Your face looks like this in photos with flash.
Clearly, someone with non-oily skin invented the flash.
3. If you put on a thin layer of foundation, it will eventually feel thick.
The oil, that will inevitably build up, adds an extra layer.
4. You refrain from touching your face...
The last thing you need is oily hands, too.
5. ...and you get anxiety when others do.
Ideally, you just used a blotting sheet, so there is nothing to worry about! But that's usually not the case, so you hope no one's grossed out.
6. You hate windy days more than the average human being.
On windy days, you have to accept the fact that you won't be able to see anything because of the hair sticking to and blowing in your face.
7. You wonder if blotting sheets do more harm than good.
You have an underlying fear the product is actually a ploy to make it seem like the problem is being fixed, when in reality it's making the oil produce even faster to ensure you continue to pour your money into it.
8. One word: Acne.
Apparently having an oily face isn't bad enough. It's a package deal: with oily skin comes acne!
9. You wash your face, then an hour later it's already greasy.
You can't win.
10. You put on an excessive amount of moisturizer.
You're told to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! It makes your skin softer and helps with wrinkles, but with oil? It does nothing, nothing, nothing!
11. Your face can be dry and oily at the same time.
How is this possible? Someone please explain.12. Sunscreen is your frenemy.
You love it because it protects your skin, but you hate the extra shine it adds to your face.
13. You fear a country may try to invade your face because it's an oil gold mine.
It produces an insane amount of oil on the daily, and you have the blotting sheets to prove it.
14. You often think back to the good old days when you were young and had soft, oil-free skin.
You can't remember what that used to feel like, but you know it must've been something close to heaven.