With Father's Day approaching, it's easy to think about all of the great memories that I've shared with my dad over the years. He is my go-to person for anything and everything in life, and he has helped shape me into the person that I am today. With that in mind, here are 14 reasons why my dad will always be my hero.
1. He is always there when I need him.
From helping me with my homework when I was younger, to always answering my phone calls while I'm away at school, my dad is always my go-to person.
2. He taught me the importance of hard work and determination.
Whenever I feel overwhelmed with schoolwork, my dad is there to remind me that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to.
3. He always makes sure I know that I deserve the best in life.
My dad is always there to remind me to hold myself to high standards and to never settle for anything less than I deserve.
4. He is selfless.
I couldn't say how much time my dad spends doing things for me, and he would drop anything to help me out or to spend time with me. Whether it was taking off of work to spend a fun day together or supporting my decision of where to go to college, my dad always puts me first without a second thought.
5. He is a big reason why I am who I am today.
I learned so much from him growing up, and I still learn from him now, so much so that we often seem to be thinking the same thing.
6. He always protects me.
I never feel as safe as when I have my dad standing next to me.
7. He is my biggest fan.
From getting an A on a paper to making Dean's List, my dad is always the first person I call with good news because I know he will be just as excited and proud as I am.
8. He can always make me laugh.
Considering I got a large part of my sense of humor from him, we spend the majority of our time together laughing and making jokes.
9. He took me to boyband concerts without complaints.
My dad spent a large part of the 2000s listening to me sing-scream at Jonas Brothers concerts and talk about how I was going to marry Joe, and he always did it with a smile on his face.
10. He believes in my dreams too.
Even though it seems like I have a new career goal every other week, my dad always supports me and helps me think of ways to achieve my goals.
11. He works hard to make sure I have the best life possible.
My dad spends the majority of his day working to ensure that I am provided with a great life and amazing opportunities, something that I can never thank him enough for.
12. He is my role model.
Every day I aspire to be the successful, thoughtful and fun person my dad is.
13. He loves me unconditionally.
No matter what, my dad is always there for me with open arms.
14. He is the most important man in my life.
Boys will come and go, but the father-daughter bond is forever.
Love you, Dad!