1. Small student body
Love: You feel super popular walking anywhere because chances are you'll pass at least 5 people that you know. You have friends in every class (and if you don't, it's easy to make friends). You never feel alone, because you run into someone wherever you are. Plus all of your friends are never more than a five minute walk away (but it's more likely that they live five seconds down the hall).
Hate:Running into your friends all the time is great; running into the people you don't want to see, not so much. With a campus this small it's impossible to hide, and every other day your hookups from the weekend are sitting one row over in your GHS, making sure you never forget your drunken mistakes. And it's too late to drop the class.
2. Small class sizes
Love: Your professor actually knows your name! Instead of sitting in a lecture hall with 150+ people trying to take notes as you squint down at the board, you can actually participate in the lesson at Butler. With over half of the classes here containing 20 students or fewer, you can always ask questions when you don't understand something. You probably know a few people in the class too, which makes it awesome when you need a study buddy.
Hate: Your professor actually knows your name. Which means you actually have to go to class, because in a class of 20 people they're bound to notice if your seat is empty. It's also a lot harder to hide when you're trying to nap.
3. Parties
Love: For a small school, Butler knows how to throw down. It's hard NOT to find a party on the weekends (or weekdays) because there is always something going on and you'll always have friends at whichever party you go to.
Hate: Once again, small school. Which means you know half of the people at any given party. Which means nobody will let you forget that you made a fool of yourself after drinking way too many of those shots from that random guy you think you met during Welcome Week.
4. Freshman dorms
Love: Move-in day was the start of the rest of your life. You got to finally live on your own without a curfew or parents hovering over you all the time. No matter if you lived in Ross or Schwitzer, the dorms were the place where you met your new best friends, had crazy adventures, and made countless memories.
Hate: The first couple weeks of freshman year felt like you were living in the actual pits of hell because someone decided it would be a good idea to make the freshman suffer without AC during the hottest part of the year. Actually, just the general lack of control over the room temperature at all, because they cranked the heat insanely high in the winter. After the glory of living on your own faded away, you realized that the dorms were pretty ratchet too.
5. Campus
Love: For being in an urban area, Butler's campus is absolutely gorgeous. The buildings and the landscaping go together perfectly, and Holcomb gardens are always great for a scenic nature walk. The whole campus is full of Instagram-worthy opportunities.
Hate: When it rains at Butler, it pours. You basically have to swim to class because all of the sidewalks are consumed with puddles.
6. Construction
Love: You've gotta admit, Sunset looks pretty majestic now that it's finally finished. We'll have a great new restaurant in the parking garage in February, and the new dorm is gonna be super fancy and modern.
Hate: Half of our campus is hideous with all the construction equipment everywhere. Not to mention the fact that our mall is now a giant, brown, muddy mess. If you live anywhere near Sunset, don't bother setting your alarm for class, because the construction noise will wake you up every morning.
7. How short the walk to class is
Love: Slept through your alarm? Or just couldn't bring yourself to get out of bed? Not a problem. Our campus is so small that you can roll out of bed 10 minutes before class, brush your teeth, and still make it to 3rd floor Jordan with time to spare.
Hate: Since the walk is so short, you really have no excuse to be late. A lot of professors are pretty strict with their tardies too.
8. Basketball
Love: Our basketball team is amazing. There's so much campus pride for basketball, and the players are practically royalty. Plus, with our small school, you can be friends with the same basketball celebrities that the nation watches on TV every week. The student seats are so close to the court that you have a good chance of being shown on TV (Hi Mom!) and they're always giving out free shirts or pizza at games.
Hate: Nobody really seems to care about any of the other sports besides basketball.
9. Greek life
Love: The Greek community here is like one big family. All of the houses are super supportive of each other, and it's a perfect way to make lifelong friendships with people you otherwise might never have met. It's a great way to be involved and there are always different fun events to participate in.
Hate: If you're not part of Greek life or dropped out of rush, it's easy to feel excluded. Not to mention how annoying it is to see all the basics chanting and cheering about weird things everywhere you go or bragging about their "super fun" parties.
10. Atherton
Love: Unlimited meal plans = all the food you can eat. And unlimited ice cream. And their chocolate cookies are my favorite thing in the world. There's a pretty decent amount of options and the workers are really friendly.
Hate: Atherton is a picky eater's hell. And I might have lied a little bit before, because there really aren't that many options. Once you get over the fact that you can eat whatever you want, you realize that you really don't want to eat any of the food there because it's all naaasty.
11. Basics
Love: If you love chacos, starbucks, or lilly pulitzer, then Butler is definitely the place for you. Even if you can't admit it, most of us are conformists at heart, and it's way easier to blend in with the crowd than to stick out. But there's no shame in your oversized tee and non-fat sugar-free vanilla latte. You do you.
Hate: You're basically an alien if you don't own at least one item of vineyard vines. It can also get pretty annoying to listen to the basic white girls complaining about how their Instagram picture didn't get enough likes, or how Johnny didn't text her back after 'Netflix and chill' last night.
12. Private school
Love: Let's just admit it. You feel smart telling everyone that you go to a private school. While private schools may have less majors, they have more extensive programs available for those majors that will help you in the real world as well. You're able to take less useless gen ed classes and more classes that you actually want to take. Even though private schools are initially more expensive, they typically offer more scholarship money than large universities.
Hate: Even with all the scholarships, small schools can still be hella expensive, and Butler is no exception. Because it's liberal arts school, there's also some weird requirements. Take Butler Cultural Requirements, for example. Is going to a band concert once a semester really going to help me with anything in life? Probably not. But we have to do it anyway.
13. Trip
Love: Trip is probably the coolest, most adorable, and most spoiled college mascot there is. I mean come on, this guy has his own snapchat (butlerblue3). If you ever need a study break, just troll campus until you find him in Robertson or the bookstore.
Hate: He's slobbery.
14. Squirrels
Love: Let's be real though, the squirrels are Butler's true mascot. Blackbeard is more talked about than Trip, and it's impossible to open Yik Yak without seeing a yak about squirrels.
Hate: They're pretty fearless and sometimes scary. Don't get too close, or they'll attack.
Even though we may have mixed feelings at times, we can all agree on one thing: we couldn't have picked a place that feels more like home than Butler.