In case you haven't heard, Kanye West recently announced that he was running for president in 2020. Here are some of my thoughts on Mr. West leading our country. I want him for president and I want him now; here's why you should, too.
1. He's for the kids
2. He's a college dropout
Solidifying that a diploma is not correlated with your success.
3. We would win every debate hands down
Because no one else would have the answers.
4. He's honest
I'mma let you finish, but we need a president who is willing to speak his mind and say what he really feels.
5. Willing to accept his flaws
He admitted he might not always be"politically correct," but hey, who is these days?
6. He's confident
"Can't tell me nothin'."
7. He would be the most musically-inclined prez in history
8. He's dedicated
Yeezy season approaching.
9. He's all about revamping the system
And he's proactive about change.
10. Only the Kardashian episodes will be shown on Sundays
Kimye forever.
11. There would be strict fashion rules
12. There would be a new face on one hundred dollar bills
13. We'd get a few more national holidays
Like Kim's birthday.
14. There would no longer be a wait for French pastries.
"Hurry up with my damn croissant!"
If that doesn't sway your 2020 election vote, nothing will.