I've been without a dog for four years and I've decided it's about time (it's past time, actually) for me to get a dog. I need some loving from a four-legged friend. Quite honestly, I'm tired of human beings. We never know when to shut up, we say stupid crap all the time and some of us are just downright annoying. I would much rather spend my time (all of my time) with a dog and let me tell you why.
1. Dogs will listen to you vent all day long and not say a single stupid thing in reply.
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2. Dogs are ready and willing to cuddle at all times of the day.
3. Dogs will be there for you when no one else is.
4. They like you despite all your flaws.
5. They are always ready to give kisses for any and all occasions.
6. They'll make you smile and laugh more than you ever thought you could.
7. Dogs don't mind silent strolls.
8. They won't judge you for eating that whole pizza by yourself and not seeing daylight on your day off.
9. They'll be the best friend you'll ever have.
10. Dogs are the most beautiful species on the planet, hands down. Don't fight me on this.
11.You'll always have someone to sleep with.
12. They're adorable as silly and naive puppies.
13. And they're beautiful as old and wise adults.
14. They love you unconditionally and without expecting anything in return.