All girls need girlfriends in their life, not just to keep them social but to keep them sane. Although lets be honest, girls are awful and quite frankly, a bit vicious especially towards one another. However, it's not often talked about what else a girl needs, and I'm not talking about that quote claiming "every blonde needs a brunette best friend," but what it should be: "every girl needs a gay best friend." Why, you may ask? I'll tell you why. He's dramatic, he's full of attitude, has a slight hatred for people, and he gets emotional about dumb things like food; in other words, he's exactly like you.
1. He will ALWAYS give you an honest opinion about an outfit.
Whether it's the color washing you out or the stripes are indeed making you look fat, he will always be the one to tell you what looks good and what does not look good. But have no fear because he will always make sure you leave the house looking flawless.
2. You will always have a go-to lunch or go-to coffee date.
And try not to get offended when you think the hot waiter is constantly checking on you guys because he's into you when he's actually flirting with him...(you know who you are).
3. He'll force you to go out (in a good way)...
People are pissing you off, work has been kicking your butt, and all you want to do is climb into your bed, but unfortunately, that's not an option because he knows that the best way to make up for a crappy week is to get dressed up and go out.
4. ...but he will also always be down for a movie and pigging out.
I promise there is no better guy than one who will watch "Bridesmaids," "A Walk To Remember" and "Hocus Pocus" while downing pizza, nachos and ice cream until you literally pass out.
5. You will always have a partner and wing-man.
Whether it's a wedding date, drinking game partner, or your shotgun rider/duet partner on long car rides full of jam sessions, you will never have to be alone.
6. He will always help you in any situation.
From calling you acting drunk asking you to come get him or helping you fix your shoe that broke at the club, he's always got you.
7. He will keep you updated on the latest gossip whether it be about celebrities or people that you know...
He could tell you what type of wax Kim Kardashian uses to do her eyebrows and also have the full story on why so and so broke up.
8. But he will keep your secrets till the day he dies.
You can tell him your biggest secret in the world and he'll go his whole life not telling a soul.
9. He will always take your side.
It doesn't matter who it is or what they did, if you hate them, he will hate them too.
10. He gives the best boy advice...
...and he will always be right in the end.
11. He is your go-to boyfriend when needed.
You're at the club and a guy is getting a little too touchy, don't worry, you're GBFF will always step in as a temporary "BF."
12. He always knows what to say depending on your mood.
"It's his loss," "those jeans make your butt look phenomenal," "do you want a hug?" "I brought you food!" and the list goes on. He won't leave you until you're OK.
13. He'll tell you what you need to hear.
Whether it's the opinion about the outfit or anything in general good or bad, he does it because he cares.
14. He'll always make you feel fabulous.
Whether you're bumming it with no makeup on or dressed to go out on a Friday night, he'll always appreciate and love you for you.