Calling all avid coffee drinkers! I'm sure you all know why coffee is so spectacular, but here is why in list form. Here are 13 reasons why coffee is the Robin to every coffee-drinker's Batman.
1. Coffee picks you up during those evil early mornings.
How would we drive or get to work or class if not for coffee?
2. It's an acquired taste.
Remember when you were nine years old and coffee tasted like dirt that only fancy adults could drink? Yeah, now you're the fancy adult, boo.
3. Coffee gets you through those late night study sessions.
Coffee, study, nap, repeat.
4. Coffee wakes you up before you have to be social.
I'm going to need more caffeine if I have to deal with drunk people.
5. Coffee is the real liquid courage.
No, it's not booze. Coffee gives you the strength and fearlessness to tackle the day ahead of you.
6. Coffee works during every season.
Iced coffee, regular coffee, cold brew... The options are endless. And if you want to drink hot coffee in the summer or iced coffee in the winter, you do you.
7. There's a type of coffee for every person!
Blonde for the person who hates flavor and wants to be jittery for the next 12 hours. Medium for the person who doesn't know what the difference between blonde and bold is. Bold for the person who wants a lot of flavor and still wants the option to take a nap if need be. Decaf for... Old people, mostly.
8. There is no wrong way to drink coffee.
Coffee with cream, sugar, honey, syrup, extra shots of espresso, or totally black; whatever suits your fancy!
9. Coffee gives people jobs.
Deciding to be a barista while in nursing school was my best decision so far. Free coffee beans help make up for the sleep deprivation.
10. Coffee helps the environment.
Did you know you can use old coffee and espresso grounds in garden soil? It helps plants grow. Boom, coffee is saving the world.
11. Coffee believes in you like no one else.
In a world full of being told no, coffee says "yes, you can stay awake today and kick that test's ass!"
12. Coffee can be made in many forms.
Your Mr. Coffee maker broke? Try a French press, pour over, espresso machine, whatever floats your boat.
13. Coffee won't let you down.
Coffee has your back everyday. If you forget to make some at home, that's okay, coffee is waiting for you at Starbucks, Colectivo, Dunkin' Donuts, or a local coffee shop.
14. Coffee actually makes people nicer.
There's a reason I don't talk to other humans until I'm post-coffee: I'm a jerk pre-coffee, and so are most people.
In a world fun of early mornings, late nights, hungover days, and normal days, coffee is there for you. No matter what type you drink or how you take it, coffee is the real MVP and holds a special place in every caffeine-aficionado's heart.