If you're in a relationship, you look forward to this holiday. If not, you often dread walking into the grocery store to find the aisles flooded with roses and boxes of chocolates. Valentine's Day, the one holiday that regrettable makes individuals feel bad for being single. Well, this Valentine's Day there's a lot of reasons to embrace the single lifestyle.
Here are 14 reasons Why Being Single This Valentine's Day Will Rock:
1. You don't have to splurge on commercialized gifts; chocolates, roses, or movie tickets.
2. You don't have to post a super annoying '101 reasons why I love my boyfriend' post on Instagram. No one really cares.
3. You won't have to worry about sharing a bed or, better yet, someone hogging all the blankets. Let's be honest, cuddling is only cute for so long until the two of you are both really hot.
4. You don't have to worry about checking in with the boyfriend. Oh, darn I decided to stay out until whenever I want A.M.
5. Shaving your legs is now optional...It used to be mandatory but now it's just whatever.
6. You don't have to worry about fear of missing out syndrome anymore. If the girls want a night out, go for it!
7. You now take even longer to get ready because you're no longer concerned with if he's rushing you.
8. You can finally binge watch all your Netflix shows without having to wait for him to catch up.
9. You don't have to pretend you enjoy the company of his friends anymore. Lets be honest, they were all losers anyway.
10. You know have a perfect excuse to go see 'How to Be Single' this Valentine's Day.
11. You mingle at every opportunity possible. Why sure you can have my digits. 921...
12. You don't have to wear sexy attractive Victoria's Secret underwear everyday. *Whips out the Wednesday panties *
13. You are finally free from neediness.
14. You don't have to worry about making things Facebook-official. #whodoesthatanymore?
Embrace your season of singleness ladies. Live it up!