Leaving Massachusetts can be hard. People who hail from the state have developed their own special New England-er culture that an be meet with skepticism and weird looks from anyone who have never been there. We take sports and coffee very seriously and are always boastful of our hometowns. Whether you grew up in the city, In Worcester (pronounced WOO-ster), In Amherst, or 45 minutes outside of Boston, all Massholes can bond over a few common idiosyncrasies we've developed over the past few years. So when one leaves their beloved home state, unfortunately, the habits stay with them. You can take the Masshole out of Mass, But you can't take Mass out of the Masshole. Here are a few problems you might run into when carrying your hometown spirit with you to the rest of our great nation.
1. There is no longer a plethora of Dunkins to choose from.
On your way to work/school, there was going to undoubtedly be at least three Dunks. You probably had your favorite, sure, but when one was busy, onto the next one no problemo. No longer is that the case. There is probably only one, and it’s out of your way. But you refuse to drink Starbucks, for the sake of your dignity.
2. When you ask to go to the bubbler, people blankly stare at you.
3. Nowhere else in the world can even hold a candle to Autumn in New England.
4. People actually consider 50 degrees to be cold.
5. You assume stranger's kindness to you is sarcasm or a practical joke.
6. The rest of the country do not share your die-hard obsession with the Pats.
Though Tom Brady and Gronk maybe be revered as messiahs in your hometown, the rest of the country LOATHES the entire team. You can not wear your jersey without someone mentioning “deflate-gate.” Whatever, the Pats still win, Tom Brady’s still the GOAT, and jealous haters are gonna hate on our successful city.
7. …Or your liberal attitude.
Boston is considered to be a blue state, and man oh man is it true. Mass was one of the first states to legalize gay marriage and decriminalize marijuana. Your high school class probably had a “token Republican” that everyone laughed at. But, after moving away, you actually realize that those people actually exist. Bill O’Reilly is real? Uh, that’s the stuff of nightmares right there. Can't we all just get along, man?
8. No one can watch “Good Will Hunting,” “The Town,” and “The Departed" as much as you can.
9. People won’t get in a car when you're behind the wheel because of the road rage.
10. Even if you speak normally, people will try to mimic your "BAWstan" accent
If you ask me to say “Park my car in Harvard Yard” I swear to might lose my marbles. Most people from Boston are actually highly educated and articulate people. Southie and Dorchester is a different story, giving the rest of us a bad name.
11. The clam chowder everywhere else has tomato in it. Gross.
The first time I order clam chowder outside of Massachusetts it was out of pure homesickness. By now stretch of the means did I expect it to live up to the standards of what I was accustom. But when the waiter put a red mess in front of my face I almost yakked. No. there are NO tomatoes in clam chowder. I’m sorry, but I had to send that one back.
12. You got funny looks when you asked someone to "run to the packie”
That’s called a liquor store everywhere else in the world. The first time I asked someone to make a “packie” run outside of Mass, I was asked if I needed directions to the post office. No, actually. I just wanted a case of beer to enjoy while I watch the Patriots kick some ass this Sunday.13. You can’t eat any seafood without complaining.
14. People have zero clue how to drive in the snow
Being able to drive in the snow is Driver's Ed 101 in Mass. We KNOW we are all going to have to navigate the hazardous conditions for the majority of the year, so we have been preparing for years. But everywhere else, they only have snow for a few months, if that at most. So when the snow starts to fall, the idiots come out to play, sliding around on the ice, no scraping their windshields, and getting stuck going uphill. Freakin' amateurs.