If you are a "Parks and Rec" fan, like me, you will probably read all of these captions in the character's voice. If you are not a "Parks and Rec" fan, well, you need to get on Netflix and watch it because you are missing out. Anyway, with spring break just around the corner, I thought that I'd make a list of relevant "Parks and Rec" GIFs that are relevant in our college lives. Remember, when in doubt, treat yo' self!
1. When you talk to your professor after you find out that you failed your midterm, but still want to pass the class.
2. When you have to look for your first job.
3. When it is finals week and you are pulling your third all-nighter.
"It is all going to be worth it," you tell yourself as you notice the bags under your eyes.
4. When all your friends decide to go out, but you stay in to sleep.
It is 10 p.m. and you are already in your pj's. Sorry, friends, but you guys are on your own tonight.
5. When you see your BFFs around campus.
I mean, it has been a whole hour since you have last seen them. Sometimes you just miss your friends, you know?
6. When people begin to question the fact that you wear leggings almost every day.
Maybe these are the same leggings that I wore yesterday. Maybe they aren't. You'll just never know.
7. When your friends bring up your bad decisions.
You know a roasting session is about to occur when someone brings up something from your past.
8. When you do decide to take a nap instead of working out.
9. When you "accidentally" eat your suitemate's last snack.
10. When you have a 10-page paper due at midnight and you are only on page three.
Was it a good idea to start the paper the day that it was due? Probably not.
11. When you take a test and get stuck on number one.
I promise that I studied! I just literally do not understand any of this.
12. When you realize how amazing your friends are.
You guys rock, and I would totally write 5000-word essays for all of you if I wasn't busy writing them for my actual classes.
13. When your teacher trashes your essay.
Probably doesn't help that you started writing this essay 12 hours before it was due. Oops.
14. When you finally go home for break and eat a home-cooked meal.
Nothing beats your parents paying for groceries and your mom cooking your favorite dinner. Spring break is just around the corner; you got this!