Orange Is The New Black’s new season comes out this Friday on Netflix and to say I’m excited would be a complete understatement. I’ve already started re-watching the seasons 1 and 2 in preparation to ultimately relive all the craziness. Here are some of the many iconic moments in both seasons that will prepare you, and make you SO excited for season 3:
1. When Cal (Piper's brother) got married in season 2 at their grandmother's funeral.
How can you not miss this crazy family?! Although we don't see much of them, since Piper spends her time in prison, the moments we see of her mother, grandmother, and brother make us die from laughter.
2. In season 2, Pennsatucky got new teeth and couldn't wait to show them off to everyone...but no one noticed.
(or at least they acted like they didn't notice).
3. Actually, we just miss Pennsatucky in general.
And her squad, because their interactions are hilarious.
4. When it was revealed that Lorna and Christopher aren't actually a thing.
Lorna is in prison for major stalking. And then, she drives the van to Christopher's house, goes through his finance's wedding things, takes a bath and then leaves. She took pyscho to a whole new level.
But no matter how crazy Lorna may seem, we can't help but feel bad for her because we know she means well and just needs some, well actually a lot more then some, help.
4. Larry and Polly getting together.
It may not be cheating, but come on. THINK OF PIPER!!!!!
5. The cuteness of Daya and Bennett.
Plus their unborn baby, which will presumably be born in season 3. Get pumped.
6. When Pornstache came back in season 2....
He sure made quite the entrance.
....and later on in the season, he got arrested for allegedly getting Daya pregnant.
Which we all know that isn't true, but glad to see him and his mustache escorted out of the prison.
7. When Poussey and Taystee finally forgave each other, after some long heartwrentching episodes.
They are seriously the best together.
8. Poussey and Taystee just get each other...#friendships goals.
9. Suzanne apparently memorized a ton of Shakesphere and randomly quotes him.
We just miss our Crazy Eyes and her...craziness.
10. And, of course, we need some Sophia in our lives.
Her fashion and hair advice are always on point. Plus, we want to know what's happening with her son, Michael, and how he's handling her transition.
11. Alex is caught violating her parole because she's carrying a gun.
Piper called her probation officer to tell him that Alex was violating her parole which would land her back at Litchfield. Sneaky, Piper...sneaky.
12. Rosa stealing the car in the last episode.
With the help of Lorna, too. But, that wasn't even the biggest cliff hanger.
13. SHE THEN RUNS OVER VEE. In the last shot of her, she has a nosebleed...I'm pretty sure that's not too good for her.
What?? So many questions: is Vee alive? How far does Rosa make it? Is Rosa even alive? What is life?
14. Oh and we can't forget all the weirdness that happens in between all of this drama.
Can June 12 come faster, please?