In case you've been living under a rock, things are pretty tense in the United States right now. If that still doesn't ring a bell for you, I'll help you out. Donald Trump is going to be our new president and lots of people are offended by it. Family members are unfriending each other on Facebook because they voted for Donald Trump, people are rioting because they wanted Hillary Clinton to win, and social media is a war zone. Do not enter unless you want to get fired up and, you guessed it, offended.
I'm tired of people getting so offended by this election though. What can you possibly change at this point? Donald Trump is our president. Is he the greatest candidate ever? Absolutely not. Will he do a wonderful job? I don't know. I just don't want to argue anymore, so it's time to get everyone's mind off of it. Here are a few things that are more offensive than the 2016 election.
1. People that put ketchup all over their fries instead of neatly on the side.
2. The word "moist."
3. When Netflix asks if you're still watching.
It might as well change the message to "are you really still sitting on the couch? You've watched 33 episodes now."
4. Thin crust pizza.
5. These new, terrible episodes of Toddlers and Tiaras.
6. Turning off your Find Friends dot.
You hiding something?
7. When people spell "definitely" as "defiantly."
8. People that ask to speak to your manager so your manager can tell them the same thing you just told them.
9. Snapchat conversations.
I forgot what I said.
10. People that pour milk before the cereal.
11. Crocs.
12. Twitter killing Vine.
13. Waking up two minutes before your alarm is supposed to go off.
This is enough to ruin my day. Don't test me.
14. Hating people for their opinions.
Seriously guys, you can't hate someone for exercising their constitutional right to have a freedom and to vote for who they want. Bring back the Facebook peace; I'm begging you.