Have you ever wondered which movies would perfectly complement your mood? I didn’t think so, but if you are obsessed with movies like I am, you will appreciate this list. Everyone likes to feel every emotion possible, whether they like to admit it or not. This list will just enhance the mood you are in. So if you are sad, you will be watching a sad movie. If you are pissed, I will pick a movie that will piss you off even more. Enjoy.
1. Happy—"Forrest Gump"
What better movie to watch when you are happy? Although this movie will make you exponentially happier, there are some ups and downs. This film leads you through the full range of emotions. In case you haven’t seen this wonderful movie, I’ll write a short synopsis for you. (If you haven’t seen this movie I have no respect for your movie opinion.) So Forrest Gump, played by Tom Hanks, is a story about a “not so smart man” who has a physical disability. The movie literally runs through the life of Forrest Gump and all of his great accomplishments. From winning gold in the olympics to becoming an Alabama football star, he did everything. With all of his crazy accomplishments the whole story revolved the love of his life Jenny, played by Robin Wright. If you haven’t watched this yet, I’m sorry. Go home, finish all of your homework, and watch this ASAP.
2. Sad—"The Green Mile"
Are you feeling sad? Do you want to be even more sad? Watch this movie. Most of our generation would consider "Forrest Gump" a popular movie, "The Green Mile" would not be in that same category. This movie came out in 1999 and upon its release it was considered an instant classic. This film has a solid cast including: Tom Hanks, Michael Clarke Duncan, Bonnie Hunt, and David Morse.This movie follows the story of John Coffey, a convicted felon facing the death penalty for the murder and rape of a child. The lives of the guards on death row are affected by this man. Coffey has a mysterious gift given by God to do good in the world. Throughout the movie the guards start to realize the gift that Coffey has and the effect he could have on the world if he were to use it. Along with that they have a pretty big suspicion that Coffey actually did not commit the crime. So the guards are stuck in a pickle. Should they help breakout this “criminal” who is probably innocent, and risk spending their lives in jail? Or let one of God’s greatest gifts die? Hard decision, want to find out what happens? Watch this movie and let your eyes water.
3. Pissed—"The Uninvited"
Are you pissed off? Do you feel like being beyond pissed off? I’ll tell you, I happened to watch this movie when I was pissed. Expecting to watch a nice horror film that would give me plenty of jump scares, that’s all I wanted. Completely off track. Do not get me wrong, this is not a bad movie. I actually sort of enjoyed it the second time I watched it, but it is nothing like you’d expect. I don’t want to spoil anything in case you all take my recommendations seriously. Let’s begin. "The Uninvited" is “based off” (copied) the Japanese horror film "The Tale of Two Sisters." It’s about Anna, played by Emily Browning, a teenager who just got released from a mental hospital. Her mental health is in peril because of her relationship with her new step-mother (former maid) played by Elizabeth Banks. Things get interesting when Anna and her sister Alex start seeing ghostly apparitions, along with visions of their dead mother. Are these visions trying to tell them something? You’ll have to see for yourself. Again, I cannot go any further in this synopsis in the terrible case that I spoil something. FYI the end is pretty crazy/mind-blowing. And it may piss you off. That is all.
4. Bored—"Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"
Before I give my repetitive statement of “Are you bored? Do you want to be even more bored..” I will tell you one thing. This movie could have been done way better. Great cast, solid story, and it’s not even that long of a movie (127 min). Although it feels like it lasts forever. Don’t get me wrong, if you want to fully commit to this movie and not fall asleep during it or lose focus, there is a good chance you will enjoy it. But if you are bored, you will become even more bored. Let’s begin. This film takes place during the Cold War, and follows the story of a retired MI6 agent, who is suddenly pulled back in all of the drama following the news of a possibility of a Soviet mole inside of the agency. This movie is led by a star-studded cast including: Gary Oldman, Mark Strong, Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Tom Hardy. I’m not going to give you a full summary of this movie because I would ruin it for you all and it would be way too long. All I’m going to tell you is that the title of the movie comes into play in a real intense scene, and there are a ton of twists and turns. Not a lot of action. So you may or may not be bored.
5. Confused—"Memento"
Are you confused? Did you just take a Physics test that absolutely blew your mind (I wouldn’t know I’m a business major)? Watch this movie. Honestly, this is a great movie and if you haven’t seen it, watch it and pay attention to every little detail. Or watch it multiple times. I promise you, if you watch this movie you will think you know what really happened. Then you will go on Google, look up what really happened and your mind will melt. Simply because it has an ambiguous ending, or does it? Director Christopher Nolan stands by his statement that there is an solidified ending, but he will never release it. This film is about a man named Leonard, played by Clive Owen, who is searching for the man who raped and murdered his wife. While having to overcome his extreme short term memory loss caused by a head injury incurred during the incident with his wife. To combat his short term memory loss, he creates a complicated system of leaving clues in the form of tattoos and polaroid pictures. As a did with the previous films, I cannot release much more information about this movie in the case of a spoiler. But would it be a spoiler if nobody truly knows the ending of memento? Or does Alex Habeeb (myself) really know the ending to this movie? So many questions... Are you confused? Good.
6. Dreamy—"Inception"
Yes it is a cliché that I picked a movie that is literally about dreams to compliment your dreamy mood. Get over it, watch this movie. Secondly, for all of you posers out there that say this movie is confusing, stop what you are doing and drop out of Case or whatever college you attend and reevaluate your life. It’s a very simple concept. A dream within a dream within a dream within a dream. I’m sure most of you have already seen this movie, so I’m not going to tell you what it’s about—although I already recapped the movie in one sentence. "Inception" has a great cast including: DiCaprio, Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, and Tom Hardy. The scenes in this movie are visually fascinating and the ideas are so abstract that it makes you want to participate in some lucid dreaming. I love this movie and if you haven’t seen it please watch it. Feeling dreamy yet?
7. Nostalgic—"Dazed and Confused"
A movie like this always brings you back to the good ole’ days. The days of being in high school, participating in hazing, underage drinking, purchasing alcohol while being underage, stealing, premarital sexual activity, and doing drugs. Obviously none of us who attend this prestigious university have participated in any of those activities, or ever will. Obviously this movie has a star-studded cast including: Ben Affleck, Matthew Mcconaughey, Milla Jovovich, and many more. This movie follows the events that took place after the last day of school in 1976. Focusing most of the time on incoming freshmen and seniors, this movie tries to portray what high school is all about. I would totally love to walk you through this movie but everything was already explained in the second sentence of this synopsis. If you are missing your high school days, watch this movie.
8. Optimistic—"About Time"
Are things finally starting to go right in your life? Everything except your love life? Do you happen to have red hair? Just kidding, all people are beautiful. Really though, if things are looking good in your life please watch this movie. Things will look even better. This film follows the life of a 21-year-old future lawyer named Tim, played by Domhnall Gleeson. Upon his 21st birthday he finds out that every first born son in his family line has a special ability. Time travel. He uses this ability throughout the movie to fix many of the mistakes in his life. But the biggest purpose of his time travel is to find a girlfriend. Who is his girlfriend/wife in this movie? Rachel McAdams. Of course, she is in every love story. It’s all good though, she is beautiful. I’m sure most of you haven’t seen this movie, but please watch it. Like "Forrest Gump," it goes through all emotions. You will laugh, cry, get pissed off, and eventually you will just want to be in love. Or time travel. That’d be cool.
9. Nightmarish—"Nightmare on Elm Street"(Original)
Yeah I get it. This movie is cheesy, but back in the day this movie scared the bejeezus out of everyone. Again, I know it’s a cliché. Nightmarish mood, movie literally about nightmares. If you haven’t seen this movie, it’s okay. I’m sure everyone gets the general idea of what it is about. Obviously this movie franchise went on a little too long, and then the remake was not good. But I don’t think it was ever the movie that scared people. It was always the fear of nightmares and the reluctance to go to sleep after seeing this movie. Back in the day, I’m sure a good amount of people who saw this movie convinced themselves that something like this could happen. You never know, all stories originate from somewhere. Watch this movie, good luck sleeping. Just kidding you should have no problem sleeping it’s not scary. Watch it anyway. Have fun.
10. Disappointed—"Fantastic Four"
Wow! What a great cast of up and coming actors. Terrible. So disappointing. The trailer made it look so good. Honestly I can’t say I was disappointed. I was sad. Hindsight I should’ve just left this movie off this list. Whatever, don’t watch it. YOU WILL BE DISAPPOINTED.
11. Excited—"Star Wars Force Awakens"
So much hype. It lived up to about 95 percent of people. I cannot recall a time in my life where I was this excited sitting in a theater. Then I decided to go see it again. I cannot recall another time in my life where I was this excited sitting in a theater seeing a movie for a second time. " Star Wars." Instant classic. Are you mad that this movie had strong similarities to Episode 4 and Episode 6? Get over it. It's called consistency. Daisey Ridley is beautiful. If you have no interest in "Star Wars," you would still enjoy this movie. But Habeebinator, (my self-proclaimed nickname) I felt like this movie was way too “Disney”. Once again, get over it. What did you expect? Disney created it. Sorry, I will stop screaming. Like I did earlier, I will not explain this movie to you. Go watch it. It’s "Star Wars." You will be excited. Very excited.
12. Sentimental—"Marley and Me"
Do you love dogs? Do you like to cry? Do you think Jennifer Aniston is hot? One word, sentimental. This is a great film about a couple who acquires a troublesome puppy that makes their world a living hell. But only for a little while, they learn to love their dog and enjoy his presence. They go through so many great life events with this dog, who does eventually settle down. Finally, when they reach their optimum love for this dog, Marley gets... Oh did you not see this movie yet? Watch it. Hey, I’m not here to tell you what to do, but maybe you should get a dog of your own if you don’t already have one. They are always a great addition to a family.
13. Silly—"Stepbrothers"
This movie is for sure my favorite comedy. The concept is so stupid, it’s funny. Two 40-year-old men are forced into a family together. They both live with their parent. They both don’t have jobs. It’s fantastic. Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly are awesome. If you haven’t seen this movie I feel bad for you. I will also not explain this movie to you. Instead, I will just copy and paste a lot of funny quotes from this movie.“I’m Dale, but you have to call me Dragon.” “My mom is being eaten by a dog and there’s nothing I can do!” “That’s so funny the last time I heard that I laughed so hard I fell off my dinosaur.” “Dane Cook, pay–per–view, 20 minutes, let’s go!” “One time I wrestled a giraffe to the ground with my bare hands.” “Dad, what are you doing? It’s ‘Shark Week’!” “You and your mom are hillbillies. This is a house of learned doctors.” “This is going to sound weird, but for a second, I think you took on the shape of a unicorn.” “Maybe someday we could become friends. Friends who ride majestic, translucent steeds, shooting flaming arrows across the bridge of Hemdale.” Silly.
14. Sick—"Human Centipede" Trilogy
Honestly, this is the most disgusting set of movies I have ever scene. I really have no idea why I watched the first one, let alone the second and third. This movie is a cult classic, and anyone who actually enjoyed these movies is a sick, demented person. If you are already feeling sick before watching this movie, there is a good chance that you will puke. You will probably puke even if you are at your peak of being healthy. It is so disgusting. I don’t even want to explain the concept. Find it for yourself. But Habeebinator, you explained the first few movies very thoroughly? Are you just being lazy? You watch all of these movies then write this long article. Only then can you talk to me. This trilogy is terrible. Don’t watch it. Reverse Psychology?