14 Main Expressions of College Students
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Student Life

14 Main Expressions of College Students

Faces only a Panther could love.

14 Main Expressions of College Students

What is so special about this planner?

Well, college can bring out the best of us as well as the stressed of us and every emotion in between. As a college junior it’s already been quite the roller coaster of emotions, with plenty of emotions and expressions to come I’m sure. But, during class one day I examined my handy dandy panther planner (courtesy of the bookstore) and realized that the people on it summed up college with their spot on expressions.

  1. *Confused* There will be times of confusion. Especially freshman year. Campus is a hopping place -- there’s always something going on -- so it can be easy to confuse dates and locations for events or even class. There’s also the confusion in class that can occur. Recently I’ve been having difficulty understanding some of the professors on campus, which can lead to confusion on assignments and projects. No matter what there will be a point where you will be utterly, helplessly confused.
  2. “Yasss no class on Fridays!” Some lucky ducks on campus have the schedule planning savvy to manipulate their schedules so they don’t have class on Fridays. Automatic 3-day weekends ALL THE TIME. (SCORE!) And to be honest, it’s quite thrilling to know that you have that extra day to do whatever you want whenever you want. (It’s also a frequent perk of being an art major.)
  3. “We had a test?/That was due?” This is the face you make when you freeze as the professor asks for an assignment or mentions a test that was given out when you skipped class (ahem, MISSED class -- and for a very valid reason I'm sure!)
  4. “Bye Felicia” Let’s be real, not everyone will love you at college or in the real world. You’ll have your haters. But don’t let them pressure you into drinking the haterade too. Just be respectful and don’t let them bother you. You be you and own it.
  5. *Getting ready to go out* Be honest, you and your friend spend a lot of time getting ready to go out. You play a jammin’ playlist as you get ready and when you look in the mirror you go “yeah, we look good.”
  6. “Not about that life. I’m out.” There will always be that class that you’re just like “nope, forget this.” It’s ultimately the class you drop right away during the first week. This could also be if you declare a major and find out halfway through that it’s just not your fit.
  7. *Ripped off by the bookstore* “What do you mean this $500 textbook is only worth $8?! Textbooks cost a small fortune, especially if you get them from the bookstore. Granted, they cost a smaller fortune if you rent them, but still, don’t expect to get much money if you’re planning on selling them back.
  8. “Hmmm...should I finish the pizza or not?” Food. Pizza. The answer is yes. Pizza will always be worth it. Every pizza is a personal pizza if you just believe in yourself. So you should finish that pizza before your roommates do.
  9. *Thinking deep thoughts* College is the middleman between high school and the real world. It gives you independence and you’re kind of out on your own, but you still have class and are surrounded by a community of people that are around the same age. There are big decisions to be made on the next part of your life. Or little ones like if you should do your homework now or put the “pro” in “procrastination” and do it later. Those are some hard life choices.
  10. *Club goes up on a Tuesday and you have an 8 a.m.* You’ll probably have some friends that want the club to go up all day every day or on random weekdays (for now let’s pretend that’s the guy in the purple hat, sunglasses, and mustache). And then there’s you, (the unfortunate guy beside hat/sunglasses/mustache guy) that has an 8 a.m. the next day. Yeah, there may be days that you can hang out with them and there will be days where you just can't (or shouldn't, because you have serious work to do!) But you just have to find the happy medium and make choices that are smart for you.
  11. “I walked across campus for you to cancel class?” You will walk all the way across campus at least once for a class and there will be a note posted on the door saying that class has been cancelled. This has happened to me twice in my college career. Once it happened for an early morning class and I walked in the snow to the art building to find a note on the classroom's door that said the pipes at my professor’s house froze. The second time I was working in the ceramics lab and had to rush to class to find my afternoon writing class across campus had been cancelled. I was not happy.
  12. “Ooh…oh no…that didn’t look…good.” These are the cringe-worthy moments of college. Like the “oh, oh that looked like that hurt” when someone stumbles or falls or crashes into something. These can also happen when you look back and regret something you did or said and your body physically cringes.
  13. *When the professor assigns last-minute homework* To be honest I’ve given this look plenty of times. Sometimes professors like to wait until the last possible second to give out an assignment and it’s not cool. When that clock strikes 11:50 I am out, I am not still sitting in class as a project is explained last minute. This look also appears when there’s not much time left in class and the professor decides to continue on with a topic/lecture or when it’s syllabus day and the professor decides to jump right into the curriculum.
  14. “NOO NO GOD PLEASE NO NOOOOOO.” Finals week. Need I say more?
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