“That ‘70s Show” introduced younger generations to exactly what it was like to live in the ‘70s. From getting high in The Circle to waging a war against disco, the miscreants of Point Place, Wisconsin often seemed like bad influences on the youths. However, underneath their high and childish exterior, the group of friends, along with the help of their parents, somehow summed up what life is like in eight seasons. So without further ado, here are fourteen lessons “That ‘70s Show” taught us.
1. Happiness is a relative term
2. Sometimes, it's okay to be as self-confident as Kelso
3. And Jackie
4. And especially Eric
If they taught us anything, it’s that it’s okay to feel yourself every now and then. Or every day.
5. Breaking the law is fine, so long as you don’t get caught
Listen, we all break the law every now and then. Whether it’s downloading music off the internet or making a U-turn when you’re not supposed to. Just make sure you’re smart about how you go about it.6. Doing crafts is the only high you need
8. If someone wrongs you, move on from it with grace and class
9. Always play it cool when you meet someone you're interested in
10. If there’s ever an issue you’re dealing with, make sure to take care of it like a responsible adult
11. But if you can't work things out, aggression is just as good
12. Growing up isn't all that it's cracked up to be
13. If your heart gets broken, work through the pain and always, always take the high road
When Jackie and Kelso broke up, Jackie dated Hyde. And then when they broke up, she dated Fez. I guess the moral of the story is, if you and your boyfriend break up, date their best friend instead.