During my years in high school, I always knew I would be venturing outside my home state of Arizona. For me, it was just what I knew I had to do. I love my friends and family very much but I knew I wanted to try something new and use these years to grow into the adult I wanted to become. So, rather than opting for something a little more comfortable, I decided to trade in the scorching heat for the endless days of rain in Portland, Oregon. Whether it's my friends, or the family friend adult I meet for the first time, people always ask me what is the hardest part of going to school out of state. My friends back in Portland can all attest that my immediate response is missing out on my little brother's high school years.
My not-so-little brother, Brady, just completed his K-8 years and is ready to dive into the exciting years of high school. It's been a little over a year now since I graduated high school myself and every time I look back on these years, all I can say is these were the most important years for me. During my time in high school, my personality had blossomed, I realized my goals and dreams, I met my boyfriend of almost four years, and I made friends that I know will last a lifetime.
This is why it is so hard for me to be away at school during this time. Sure, I will be home for summers and a Skype call away, but I know it just won't be the same. So, my 14-year-old brother, here are 14 things I wish I could tell you along the way, 14 important points I would normally be able to talk to you about as they happen, 14 things to remember during your years of high school.
1. Make new friends
It's going to be tempting to only stick with your friends from elementary and middle school, but branch out! It's okay to make new friends along the way, they might even become one of your best friends. This doesn't mean ditch the old ones though!
2. Take driving seriously
Yeah, yeah I know you'll hear this enough from Mom and Dad but it's important! You can't take driving seriously enough. Driving is going to be a godsend for you! I've been trying to downplay this since you still have over a year to go, but yeah, it's pretty great. Welcome to the world of being able to go wherever you want without setting up an appointment with Mom or Dad. Just be careful out there!
3. Go to school dances and sporting events
Even if you don't really want to at first, even if not all of your friends are going, go to the dances and games! You're going to wish you had if you don't. These become some of the best memories of high school and you'll never really have these types of dances again, so why not? It's all part of the experience. Oh ... and don't be surprised if high school dances don't exactly look like a scene out of Grease anymore.
4. Go on dates
If you like that girl, go for it! Take her out! Go do something fun. If it works out, awesome! If not, no worries. Don't worry, you don't have to abide by the long-term texting commitment, then ask her to be your girlfriend, then finally go out with her rule. Who even made that up anyway?
5. Be a gentleman
Be the guy that girls respect. Be nice, have some chivalry, and don't ever let your "cool" get to how you treat girls. Open the door for them, pull out their chair, and look out for them.
6. Do some things you aren't supposed to do
Yes, this is your sister saying this! High school is this weird time where you get treated as more than a kid but you are in no way an adult yet. Take advantage of that! OK, don't do anything stupid, but it's OK to break the rules every once in a while. That's what being a kid is all about, right? Plus, it makes for some pretty good times.
7. Work hard in school
You are so smart. There is nothing wrong with doing well in school! Trust me, the high school world isn't going to come crashing down if people think you are smart. Believe it or not, being smart is a good thing. So own your smartness!
8. Get to know your teachers
You never know when your teachers are going to come through for you. And I mean, it always helps if you are in good graces with your teachers. Beats getting handed detention slips every week.
9. Try new things
High school gives you a lot of opportunities to branch out. So don't be afraid to try something new! Join a club, maybe try out for a new sport, or even go adventure outside of school. (Like I said, don't do anything stupid.)
10. Stay close with your family
Your life is going to get a lot busier in high school. New friends, new classes, new driver's license ... Don't forget to keep up with us! We want to cheer you on, help you out, and just be there along the way for you.
11. Have goals
It's good to set goals for yourself! Think about what you want to do or what's important to you. You are so talented and I can't wait to see all that you do in high school.
12. Make time for your friends
Sometimes it might just be easier to skip hanging out with your friends, or maybe you hang out with some more than others. But don't let that happen! You don't want your friends to think you are bailing on them or leaving them behind.
13. Don't get wrapped up in statuses
In high school, it's easy to worry about what's "cool" or who's "popular." But let me tell you, it's really not important. You do you, wherever you fall! As long as you stick to who you are, your friends and family are going to like you just the way you are.
14. Have fun!
These four years are pretty dang fun. So live it up! I'm going to sound old for saying it, but it's true, it goes by fast. So have fun, make mistakes, go after your goals, and enjoy some of the best times of your life.