Its that time of the year again! March Madness is upon us.
This is that time of year when a select group of basketball playing college students dominate the court to try and become national champions.
As the tournament starts to dwindle into the 'Sweet 16', sports fans around the country huddle around television sets as if their lives depend on it.
By this time, some of you may have a great bracket and are set to win your challenge with your friends (WHOOP DEE FREAKIN DOO, good for you)...
...or you may be like the rest of the country and be extremely upset by the outcome of your bracket (I feel the pain me).
When filling out the bracket, I am sure you all felt the same way anyone filling out a bracket might have felt; proud and extremely confident in your choices for who was going to win what game.
But then something happened no one was expecting! (except a few who chose the upset...)
For example:
Can someone please explain to me how Yale beat Baylor?
Cmon' Purdue REALLY?! You REALLY lost to Little Rock??
I don't even want to get started on Michigan State... (that one sent my bracket down the toilet)
*cough* you suck Middle Tennessee *couch* *cough*
The anger and frustration created by this tournament has been a constant strain on anyone who's bracket has been busted.
Hang in there people because the pain will be over soon. I promise.
Look on the bright side, the weather is starting to get nice and there will always be next year's torment...I uh mean tournament...
And to anyone reading this who's bracket isn't broken and you're looking good in your tournament challenge, well I just have one message for you....