14 GIFs That Describe Airport Struggles Perfectly | The Odyssey Online
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14 GIFs That Describe Airport Struggles Perfectly

Air travel doesn't always run smoothly, but at least we can all relate to these struggles.

14 GIFs That Describe Airport Struggles Perfectly

The season of air travel is upon us. With all the adventures comes plenty of heinous airport experiences. From security screening lines to the struggles of baggage claim it seems something always goes wrong. Let us commiserate together.

1. When you are forced to publicly chug that pesky bottle of water you left in your backpack before you get yelled at by TSA.

It's a crime to stay hydrated, so you better down that Dasani before it gets ripped from your fingers.

2. Not being able to pet the security dogs.

I know they're working but... they're just so darn cute.

3. The only consistent option for food is McDonalds...

Mickey D's becomes a travelers best friend, for the good and the bad.

4. When you run from gate A51 to gate C25 only to find out your gate assignment has been moved... back to A51.

It was leg day yesterday and your body was not prepared for this extra challenge.

5. Everyone's automatic assumption about what's going down when your flight is delayed on the runway.

It could also be weather, busy skies, or just about anything else. That's just not as fun to imagine though, is it?

6. When that bottle of water hits you just in time for your zone to be called for boarding.

To pee or not to pee, that is the question.

7. There's only a line at airport bathrooms when you really need them.

If this was a "just in case" bathroom run there wouldn't be a problem, but because you're in dire need, the entirety of the airport is joining you in line.

8. When boarding begins and the masses start closing in.

You need to have a rehearsed plan of attack if you're going to maintain your spot in line.

9. When the last person to board the plane sits in the empty middle seat next to you.

How dare they sit in the seat they paid for, especially when that seat is included in your personal bubble.

10. When the flight attendant forces you to turn on Airplane Mode.

They don't care if you're in the middle of the greatest Clash of Clans battle ever. When the flight attendants say it's time, they're not joking around.

11. When the turbulence hits but you can't do much but hold on.

You're grumpy already, but now the universe wants to make it just a little harder for you. Watch out for that drink.

12. When the airline loses your bags with all your clothes and makeup in it.

Sometimes you have to ugly sob in public, no shame.

13. When your ride home from the airport is nowhere to be found despite four phone calls from you specifying that you're "under number 5, by the Delta sign."

14. But it's all worth it when you make it to your destination.

It's time to do your happy dance!

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