When I was in seventh grade I decided to cut all meat out of my diet besides chicken. My parents encouraged me to continue eating chicken due to the fact that I was so young and didn't understand how to substitute with alternative proteins. When I turned 19 i decided to fully cut out meat from my diet and have realized the positives and negatives of being a vegetarian. My diet has broaden significantly and I am much more willing to try new things.
However, the negatives that occur include but are not limited to: scavenging for food in the dining hall, having to only eat the sides during Thanksgiving, awkwardly eating at a friends house when they are all consuming meat, and the worst of them all find out you accidentally ate meat! For me personally I do not like the idea of consuming animals, which confuses some people who can look past this thought. Here are examples of some of the struggles that vegetarian face on occasion or if not then daily.
1.Being raised in an Italian family and needing a separate batch of sauce to be made without meat.
2.Being Italian and not eating the meatballs...Sorry Dad.
3.Dinner at a friend's house was always awkward when meat was being served.
4.Yay its Thanksgiving! Pass the mashed potatoes and asparagus please.
5.The safest bet at the dining hall is either a salad or a bagel.
6. "How do you eat veggie burgers, don't you miss real ones?"
7. Having limited choices you can consume at restaurants.
8. Going to parties and debating whether or not there are particles of meat in it.
9. Being asked to just "take a bite" of meat.
10. Or even worse... "So you're going to order the steak, right?"
11. When people question your motive as to why you are a vegetarian.
12. Having to explain the difference between vegan and vegetarian.
13. Accidentally eating meat.
14. "So do you only eat vegetables?"
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