Don’t act like you’re not sad, too.
1. You woke up last Thursday, blissfully unaware of the fact that your world is about to be rocked.
2. You’re making your daily run through of social media.
Because you’re 21 years young and reading the actual news is for suckers. Twitter is where you get all of your reliable world updates because everything in those 140 characters has to be true.
3. Suddenly, the world is crashing. TWITTER UP AND SHUT DOWN THE VINE.
4. You’re Kidding.
5. No, they’re not.
6. Um, who died and made Twitter Pope?
7. So, you swing on over to CNN and WSJ, and double check that this is actually happening.
8. Oh, no.
9. You start to reflect on all the vine references you make throughout the day.
And you realize you just became 30 times less funny (to yourself, now it won’t sound like you have a mild episode when you quote a vine).
10. You call your two other friends that enjoy vine, because the rest of your friends either don’t care or are ignoring your texts because you somehow just got more annoying.
11. You feel a little angry, because you lost a form of procrastination almost overnight.
12. Everything doesn’t seem right with the world, 2016 has really not been your year.
13. You go on Vine one last time, and look at some of your personal favorites.
But then you see all the people who are still trying to become famous on Vine, saying goodbye to their “fans” and you regret ever downloading the app.