When "Finding Nemo" came out in 2003, I was one of the kids in the movie theatre who sat silent, eyes glued to the screen. Today, it is one of the movies from my childhood that I've watched over and over and enjoyed each time. When I realized there would be a "Finding Dory," I was ecstatic. Now a big girl with a big-girl job and big-girl life schedule, I made time to go see the sequel to my childhood favorite at 9:30 p.m. on evening along with a throng of parents towing along crying children who should've been in bed at 8:00. I thought that surely the 9:30 p.m. showing would be free of screaming kids who think this is their movie, but I was wrong. Little did these kids know that this movies is what all of us young adults in our late teens and early twenties have been waiting for since 2003, but, hey, this can be their movie too. I don't mind sharing, and thankfully, as the oldest of four I am quite skilled at tuning out whining.
To all my fellow young adults who proudly bought your "Finding Dory" ticket, here are 14 emotional stages of watching this amazing sequel.
1. Oh My Goodness! Baby Dory Is A Cute Little Squish.
Her eyes are half her body. Her little blue self. Those tiny fins. I can't even handle it. I never imagined Dory could be this cute. I love her. She puts baby Nemo to shame.
2. Come On, Marlin! Haven't You Learned To Be Thoughtful Of Other's Feelings?
Seriously, dude? Just shut your mouth. You made Nemo feel inadequate, and so he left. Now you made Dory feel the same way and, of course, she left. Maybe think before you speak every now and then?
3. Is That Octopus Going To Try To Eat Dory?
This guy is acting really fishy... Why does he want her tag? Is this a trick? Dory, don't talk to him! Too much suspense.
4. I Have To Remember This Is A Kid's Movie. Everyone Is Nice.
Oh, he genuinely wants her tag. Goodness, I need to let down my guard a little. Not everyone is as two faced as Alison on Pretty Little Liars.
5. Nemo Is Still As Awesome As Ever.
Yep. Just as I expected. He still has a head on his shoulders, and he is still one cool cat. I did think maybe he would be a little bigger though. Oh, hey! He still has the little fin. Aw.
6. Wait, This Movie Has A Disabilities Acceptance Message.
This is why watching kid movies as an adult is so awesome. I totally wouldn't have noticed this back in '03. I love this movie even more now.
7. So, Dory Is Not Originally From The Open Ocean?!
This explains so much. No wonder she doesn't realize the dangers of the open ocean. No one ever taught her. Also, how did she manage to survive alone for so long? Why have I never asked this?
8. I Am Going To Cry In This Theatre Filled With Five-Year-Olds.
Too many emotions. Stop.
10. Yep, Definitely Going To Cry.
I'm seriously okay. Maybe I'll blend in with these kids who are up past their bed time.
9. Did I Seriously Wait All This Time Just For Dory's Parents To Be Dead?!
You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. I'm walking out.
My heart is exploding. Dory is the most loved fish in the ocean. We all need someone in our life who loves us like Dory's parents love her.
12. I'll Bet They Will Drive That Truck Into The Water. Gnarly.
Ladies and gents, we are bout to have some air time. Hang on to your shells. Crush would approve.
13. Wait, Won't That Be Deadly?!
No, no, no. Not a good idea. Please don't ruin this movie at the last minute. Oh, yeah. This is a kid's movie. Whew. I almost forgot I'm surrounded by five-year-olds. Pixar can't make this a gory fish blood bath.
14. This Was Worth The Wait. No Regrets.
Yep. Totally worth it. Thanks for the emotional roller coaster, Pixar. We accept this movie as an appropriate sequel to our beloved "Finding Nemo."