14 Disney Channel Shows That Defined Your Childhood | The Odyssey Online
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14 Disney Channel Shows That Defined Your Childhood

Why I feel bad for the new generation of Disney Channel kids.

14 Disney Channel Shows That Defined Your Childhood

If you were born between 1994 and 2001, your childhood probably rocked. Not just because the 1990s and early 2000s were times of complete cultural revolution, but because whoever was running Disney Channel knew what they were doing. They knew what kids wanted, liked, and would binge-watch for hours on end. Saturday mornings were the best: You wake up—usually earlier than everyone else in the house—run downstairs with a cozy blanket to the TV where Disney Channel was already playing, plant yourself on the couch, and plan to remain there while the marathon of your favorite show airs for three hours.

Unfortunately, the downfall of Disney Channel began around 2010. Shows like "The Suite Life on Deck" were about to end, and shows like "Shake it Up" started to take over. Luckily by 2010, most of us were in middle school already and didn’t really have time to watch Disney Channel anymore because we were too busy playing on our Blackberries and iPhone 3GS's. But I really don’t know what first graders at that time were watching, and honestly, I feel bad for them because they didn’t get to experience the good Disney Channel. The real Disney Channel.

Whether it was a cartoon show or a show with our favorite Disney Channel child stars, we could always count on them to cheer us up after our parents yelled at us, after a long day in third grade, or after we finished studying for our quiz on the life of a butterfly. Disney Channel was the one constant in our life that never let us down. I wonder what fills that gap for kids these days. But anyway, let us reminisce back to the good old days.

14. "Phil of the Future"

Phil, Phil, Phil of the future—what can I say? He's a 22nd century man. Looking back now, he was really cute. This show introduced us to actresses like Alyson Michalka, and she was the coolest.

13. "American Dragon: Jake Long"

From the J to the A to the K to the E, he's the Mac Daddy Dragon of the NYC. Basically the catchiest theme song ever. Typical show to watch once you were home from school and eating a huge bowl of cereal. Plus, who doesn't love a kid who can turn into a dragon and fight of the bad guys?

12. "The Emperor’s New School"

K-U-Z-C-O. Kuzco, Kuzco, go, go! This show actually taught kids about the importance of education and how even royalty need to go to school to become emperors!

11. "The Proud Family"

This show was the real deal. They were always honest, and they knew what was up. Not to mention, this show showed some much needed diversity in the world of cartoon shows. The cherry on top? Destiny's Child sang their theme song so basically this show wins all.

10. "Cory in the House"

The spin off of "That's so Raven" wasn't that bad, but it didn't compare to the original. Cory was and always will be a charming boy with a big smile, and we appreciate that Cory.

9. "The Suite Life on Deck"

Yes, they did, Cody! Although it wasn't as good as the original "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" series, we needed this show because we needed to keep watching Zack and Cody. We didn't care where, and Disney Channel knew it would be too mean to take our beloved twins out of our lives forever, so this show made that transition a lot easier.

8. "Phineas and Ferb"

This show was probably the last good Disney Cartoon show. This show was basically a class: "How to be Awesome 101" taught by yours truly, Phineas and Ferb.

7. "Lilo & Stitch: The Series"

Ohana means family, and that's forever. Honestly, this show taught a lot of kids about compassion, and that's really important.

6. "Wizards of Waverly Place"

This show introduced us to Selena Gomez, and we couldn't be happier. I feel like boys especially liked this show just because of her, but what's not to love about a wizarding family that also owns a deli?

5. "Lizzie McGuire"

"Lizzie McGuire" was the best; she related to us crazy preteen girls. She was also a major fashion inspiration, and her hair was always looking like a music video from the 90s, which I personally appreciated.

4. "Hannah Montana"

Every girl wanted to have the double life of Miley/Hannah. We loved her style, her life, her friends, and her family. And we would totally jam out to her sweet tunes. Best of both worlds, am I right?

3. "That’s so Raven"

Raven Baxter was one of my favorite Disney characters ever. She had the looks, the attitude, the sass, and the moves. She was the coolest, and she made me think that I could predict the future too.

2. "Kim Possible"

Whats the sitch? "Kim Possible" was the dream—best cartoon show ever made. Every girl wanted to be her and every guy wanted to be with her. She was cool, smart, strong, powerful, cute, sexy, and amazing all wrapped up into one person. She was the first feminist figures of my childhood and truly embodied the phrase, "Slay, girl."

1. "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody"

This show was probably the best thing on TV when it was airing. Not only were the two most adorable and hilarious boys making the best of their lives living in a hotel, but they also had a whole slew of spectacular characters: Esteban, Mosby, London Tipton, Maddie, etc. They were the actual OG crew, and everyone shed a tear when the show ended.

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