14 Classic Movies You Need To Watch | The Odyssey Online
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14 Classic Movies You Need To Watch

It will definitely be worth it.

14 Classic Movies You Need To Watch

There are millions, if not billions and trillions, of movies out there in existence; and there is no way that one person could ever see enough movies to make a dent in that. That's why it's important for you to know what you really should take a little time to watch, and what a lot of people consider "classics." This is not to say that there are not countless more movies that should be watched by everyone, but I have thought long and hard about these 14, and not only are they "classics," but they also leave you with a little extra once you're done watching them.

1. "A League of Their Own" (1992).

This film is older than me, but it is definitely one of my favorites, and one of the lesser-known movies of my generation. It tells the story of the women's baseball league that was started when all of the men were drafted during World War II, and really shows a lot of challenges and successes that motivate you to work your hardest as well.

2. "Gone with the Wind" (1939).

Yes, it is from 77 years ago, and yes it is about five hours long; but based off of the classic book written by Margaret Mitchell, it is definitely one you need to take the time to see. Make it a movie screening! You'll fall in love with parts of the old South, and follow one of the most complicated love stories of all time.

3. "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961).

There's no way you have never heard of "Breakfast at Tiffany's," and even less of a chance that you haven't heard of its stunning leading lady (Audrey Hepburn). She's such a classic actress, and admired for such beauty and such involvement in older films; this being one of her more popular works, it is definitely one to see.

4. "The Seven-Year Itch" (1955).

Easily one of the most famous images ever, you basically just need to see where it all came from. Appreciating the picture and appreciating the woman means watching this classic film. Come on it's literally Marilyn Monroe, how can you say no?

5. "The Breakfast Club" (1985).

More recent than a couple of the last, but still just as classic. This movie shows five different personalities of high school teens all stuck in the same detention, learning how to survive through it. Let's be honest, we have all been where we didn't want to be, and so are they in this detention. It's just a part of existing to watch this '80s classic, and you'll be quoting it in no time.

6. "It's a Wonderful Life" (1946).

This is basically where the story of wishing you were never born started. We have all seen so many variations in TV shows and movies where someone wishes they were never born, and then they see what it is like if they weren't and change their minds. "It's a Wonderful Life" is where that all began, and it's always important to see where something started, and really learn to be extra-appreciative.

7. "Casablanca" (1942).

I know these are all old movies so far, but trust me, they're important. You have most likely heard of this one before, and that just means it's even more important. Forbidden love is always one that draws us in, and I suppose that's what this one is best at; but how could we not watch to at least find out?

8. "The Godfather" (1972).

Even if you haven't seen this, you've most likely quoted it at some point. There's more than one of these of course, so you at least have to do the honor of watching the first. Plus, how could you not on this, the day of his daughter's wedding?

9. "The Blind Side" (2009).

See! I threw in a newer one! If you haven't seen this yet, you need to make it a priority. Sandra Bullock plays an amazing role in this true story. The amazing aspects of this film include good deeds, loving families, and an amazing comeback. It really makes sure you see that a good deed can really do amazing things.

10. "Jaws" (1975).

I will not accept the fact that there is even the slightest possibility that some of you have not heard of this film. It's like shark week, but in movie form and even better. People die, there's lots of blood, and you might be slightly scared of the ocean for a bit; but everything is worth it for this movie, it's that good.

11. "The Princess Bride" (1987).

Just watch this. It's silly, and cute, and such a wonderful love story with some weird medieval stuff thrown in the mix. After you watch this movie, you'll be quoting almost every line for the rest of your life and there will be exactly zero regrets.

12. "A Walk to Remember" (2002).

Yes, it may be more of a chick flick than your typical manly film, but it is definitely worth the watch at least once for everyone. It is a tear-jerker, but it is a completely unexpected love story that really hits you in the feels.

13. "The Outsiders" (1983).

A lot of us had to read the book in high school, but you definitely need to watch the movie too. It's a very intense storyline, and a lot happens, but Ponyboy will draw you in from the beginning. If you haven't read the book, I recommend that as well, but the movie is still worth the watch as well. Plus Patrick Swayze is in it so it's a no-brainer.

14. "Little Women" (1949).

This movie may take a bit of emotional preparation, but it is a wonderful movie with a lot of women empowerment and a lot of love. It's based on a novel by Louisa May Alcott, and although there is a remake, the original is the one you really need to get your hands on. It might be a little long, but not nearly as long as "Gone with the Wind," so you can do this! Like I said, there will be some harder emotions, but it is a great storyline that you should definitely give the chance.

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