I think $100 is a lot of money if you're a college student. Or really, any normal person. Because I'm pretty sure normal people don't throw out $100 on an old trash can (pun intended). But believe it or not, Anthropologie is selling a "handmade, corrugated tin can [with] mango wood or abaca rope handle." #classic. You do you, Anthro.
Or, otherwise known as Oscar the Grouch's home.
I mean, I guess I would be pretty grouchy if I lived in a metal trash can. But I'd be insanely grouchy if I were actually crazy enough to buy one of these for a hundred bucks.
Here's what you could do with $100 of your hard-earned money instead.
1. 100 McDonald's Ice Cream Sundaes
Or 100 small fries. Take your pick.
2. Over a year of Netflix
No more stealing your friend's Netflix password.
3. 27 Stickers of Oscar the Grouch
This way, you can cover your $2 trash can with what could've been...
4. 18 Poop Emoji Pillows
Because why not?
5. ~10 small cheese pizzas... delivered!
Because after all those long nights where you feel like you need pizza.
6. 62 gallons of gas to get you about 1,800 miles -- the distance from Boston to North Carolina... and back... and then some
Road trip, anyone?!
7. 50 Powerball tickets
Though the jackpot may have been won, there's still a chance... and that's a lot of tickets.
8. 12 Portable Pizza Pouches
Because if you have the opportunity to buy so many pizzas, the portable pouch is necessary. And you can buy enough to go around for all your friends.
9. Buy a star
For $54, you can buy a star. And maybe if you make a little bit of money from your Powerball winnings, you can buy a second.
10. Feed a child in Africa for three months
Through Feed the Children, you can provide meals for children who have no other way of having food or other life essentials.
11. Adopt four endangered elephants
WWF allows you to adopt an African elephant for $25 and help the endangered species.
12. Provide meals for the hungry in your area and turn $100 into $1,100
Feeding America allows you to donate easily and provide meals for the hungry in your nearest food bank. Your $1 donation turns into $11 of food.
13. Prevent child abuse
Donate to the American Humane Association to help prevent child abuse.
14. End childhood cancer and allow those to have no hospital bills
St. Judes Children Research Hospital is dedicated to helping children with cancer without ever charging families who can't pay. Donate to help further their cause.
Clearly, there's a lot you can do with $100 besides buying a "designer" trash can.