If you happen to match on Tinder, it's actually not a good thing. Allow me to explain. Prior to college I had never used Tinder, most of my friends and my roommates were constantly on Tinder to meet Prince Tinder. But I use Tinder simply to troll and tease dumb stupid boys as a form of entertainment (it's better than toilet Instagram stalking, trust me).
So, here's to the best worst pick up lines I have gotten on Tinder.
1. When he's blunt.
I wouldn't.
2. When he has medical issues.
You might want to consult with your doctor.
3. When he seduces you with math.
He knows his way into my nerdy heart. So of course I replied with Sin me up.
4. When he mixes up the fairy tales.
Who are you?!
5. When he's "The Cat in the Hat."
Oh, the places that pick up line probably won't go.
6. When he's looking for a catch.
Too bad he sounded fishy.
7. When he is persistent.
Please note the dates.
8. When he's trying to make a joke out of you.
I didn't want to give the satisfaction of using the overused pun of my name ("Little House on the Prairie"), so I said grass.
9. When he's political.
Shortly after the screenshot I unmatched him -- Berned.
10. When he's really reaching
Yes, it did suck.
11. When he is probably a serial killer.
His actual pick up line was "your hot" (yes spelled that way) to which I replied "let's hang," which then led to this. Please note the ridiculous hours.
12. When they share your love of "Game of Thrones."
As a "Game of Thrones" lover, I was swooning (the gif was Joffrey clapping).
13. When they're a little out there
This was literally the worst pick up lines I've ever heard. Now that boy is one of my friends.
14. When they know you're a STEM major.
But this one took the cake (I'm a chemistry major).
Standing ovation for the boys that made this possible.