I was actually writing a different type of article for this week when I decided to pay Dave Matthews a visit at Jiffy Lube last minute. We came across some lovely types of people who clearly inspired this list. Having not been to a concert in a hot minute, I had forgotten the eclectic nature of the attendees. If you've ever personally fallen into any of these groupings, no shame in that. It just makes the experience more interesting and wholesome for the rest of us.
1. Drunk people
Ah. The essentials. Since most people don't tailgate to go into the concert sober, there will undoubtedly be plenty of this kind present. Usually this is the beginning stages of other annoying behaviors. Not going to lie, I was also this person at the Dave concert, so I will just leave the rant about this type here and not be a hypocrite.
2. Frat boys that drink like they're still at college
These are the really roudy college-age boys that look like they pregamed too hard and got lost on the way to their frat party. The tailgaters next to my car this past weekend were a great example of that (also included were sorority girls). My favorite part was when frat boy #1 started taking pictures of srat girls #1 & #2. They started off taking your basic drunk concert photos, when frat boy #1 says "Do something FUN." Srat girls #1 & #2 look at each other, turn around, and bend over for the camera. Frat boy #1 chuckles as he photographs srat girls asses. Quality pre-concert entertainment.
3. Marijuana enthusiasts
Although it usually depends on the type of concert you are going to, a bountiful supply of pot smokers will typically be present. Dave Matthews is a great concert for these people. We got a wiff of the green every 15 minutes or so and figured out the group next to us was smoking. I'm personally okay with these people. They inspire me to ignore the distracting people and enjoy the music.
4. Middle aged folks clinging to their youth
I love these people. They give me hope that when I am one day in the rough of my mid-life crisis, it will still be somewhat acceptable to partake in the activities of my younger days. Rock on.
5. Proud couples
There were A LOT of these the other night. I wonder how many of these people are actually couples enjoying their PDA+live music combo, and how many of them are just random drunk people in the right place at the right time. The world may never know.
6. Ultimate fangirls/boys
All I can say is thank God I have never been to a One Direction concert. If you listen closely you can hear the teenage girls crying over Justin Bieber.
7. People that don't put their phones away
What's the point of being at a concert if you're going to have your phone out the entire time? I've never even really been one to take it out and record everything. Personally I think you should just unplug and enjoy the show. Most musicians have their albums recorded anyways :)
8. Sleepy and/or bored people
Is he slumping from tailgating too hard? Is he bored and mentally elsewhere? Was the music so good it had a hypnotic effect? It was probably option #1.
9. People that think they can dance
Dance your heart out. Feel the music out. Have fun. Just don't knock me over and kill my vibe in the process.
10. People that think they can sing
I get it. I like to sing along too. However, I came to hear the band sing it, not you. So if you're going to enjoy the music karaoke style, it would be courteous of you to not sing louder than the concert itself.
11. Those that don't stop screaming
Reason #2 I'm glad I haven't been to a One Direction concert. Do you really have to scream any time they say something or start playing? Most likely they can't hear you. And even if they could they probably wouldn't be pleased about it. Also important to note the difference between cheering and screaming. Cheering is acceptable and welcome when the timing is right, screaming is annoying.
12. Those that don't ever shut up
This could refer to those screamers, but I am more so talking about the people that like to talk the entire time during the concert. It doesn't get on my nerves too bad when people talk, it just bothers me that they would prefer to have a conversation about the latest drama at work or what they had for lunch than enjoy the music. But that's just me.
13. Post-concert tailgaters
Considering it can take hours to nudge out of a parking lot after the show has concluded, I don't call shame to this at all. I just thought it was worth mentioning on it's own because post-concert tailgating is way more shambly than before the concert. It also usually more heavily involves staff and/or security. People watching is much more fun at this point.
14. Those that get escorted
I saw this several times the other night and all I can think about since is how bad it would suck to have your ticket/money wasted on an escort. But the guy that was so drunk he stumbled and tackled an innocent Dave fan feet away from me definitely deserved it. It was time for him to go home.