- To be entertained: No one can deny that the premise for this movie is something truly unique. A story about a list of reasons a girl left behind on why she killed herself? And she left it on cassette tapes? This is 2017. This is entertainment.
- To recognize: None of us are perfect people. We all screw up sometimes. I bet you will find at least one character in this show that you can relate to, one who will make you say “I can totally understand the situation they're in”. Recognize yourself and your own prejudices in the mistakes these characters have made, and learn from them.
- To de-rationalize: So often we get caught up in, “Well I didn't know them that well”, “I didn't mean it that way”, or any other stupid excuse we want to make for the way we treat others. Watch this show to end the rationalization of bullying, neglecting, and mistreating others. On any level, it is not okay, and as Clay says in the final episode, “We need to get better”.
- To empathize: Maybe you can't relate to the situation Hannah Baker is in, but you can learn to empathize with it. Imagine yourself in her situation, or in the situation of others who try so hard to be what everyone wants and needs them to be, only to continuously fail, time and time again. Imagine what that would feel like if you've never felt it, and imagine how different life would be if that's what you went through every day. Empathize with Hannah Baker and the way her death affects other characters in the show.
- To realize: How many times have you made mindless passing comments to someone and not thought about possible repercussions until after the fact? Or maybe you never even realized that something you said could have a negative impact on the person you said it to. 13 Reasons Why is an eye-opening show that will make you more conscious of the way you treat others.
- To understand: Plain and simple, this show helps you get inside the head of a person who sees suicide as the only option. Hannah Baker wanted help. She even sought it out. But no one cared enough to read into the signs she was putting out. This show helps you understand that you never know “what's gonna hit how”, and people are usually dealing with a lot more than you can possibly imagine.
- To consider: Consider that maybe a person has more going on in their life than you know. Consider that maybe your opinion would be better left unspoken, that maybe it will hurt more than it will help. Maybe your joke isn't as funny as you think, maybe it's just hurtful.
- To laugh: I know what you're thinking: how could a show about suicide possibly make me laugh? I know. It's a weird thought. But there is plenty of comic relief throughout the series that keeps you coming back for more.
- To cry: This should pretty much be self-explanatory. 13 Reasons Why is a tragic story with a tragic beginning, middle, and end. If you can make it through the whole thing without crying, you are legendary.
- To hurt: This show portrays the devastation that death has on everyone involved, especially suicide. Be it her parents, the teachers, or even the people who drove her to commit suicide: Your heart will break, and you will hurt for these characters.
- To heal: If you have ever been in a similar situation to Hannah, or you have been affected by suicide, this show can help you heal. The way that Clay stands up for her and fights to get justice not only for Hannah, but for other characters affected by her death and the things that happened to her helps you realize that being angry and begrudging others won’t really help you heal and move on. If you’ve ever experienced anything like what you see in this show, Clay Jensen will help you heal.
- To de-justify: There are so many anti-bullying campaigns and efforts around our country. Clearly, either bullying has become more of a problem, or people are sick of being quiet about it and watching it happen. Plain and simple, THE JUSTIFICATION OF ANY TYPE OF BULLYING IS WRONG: cyberbullying, hateful notes, physical bullying, name-calling. It's all wrong. In society it is so often justified by “that's just the way things are,” and “kids are just too sensitive these days.” Increasing technological resources allows for more interaction and increased outlets for bullying. 13 Reasons Why helps to de-justify bullying. It portrays many different examples of it, and I can almost guarantee that if you watch it, you will feel just as compelled as I do to make sure something is done about the justification of bullying.
- To rethink: This show will make you rethink the way you interact with and treat others. Everyone's going through something. Everyone's got baggage. Don't add to it or make it harder for them to carry. You never know the inner-battle a person is fighting, and 13 Reasons Why is an eye opening show that will cause you to speculate on your own problems and mistakes, and hopefully, you will go forward with a more open mind and heart.
EntertainmentApr 10, 2017
13 Reasons Why You Should Watch '13 Reasons Why'
The show that is heartbreakingly beautiful and altogether devastating.