Best friend. You know who you are. If you don’t, I will be highly insulted.
We have had 13 years together so far, and may I say, it’s been a pretty good 13 years. We’ve had stretches where we haven’t spoken for months but then, we pick up the phone again and it’s like there was never any apart time at all.
We have leaned on each other for so much throughout the years. From making up great fantastical stories at recess to a bike accident with a fractured wrist. From the boy who broke his promises and left you crying to the overwhelming stare into the future, we have each taken steps toward. You have calmed me at my most upset and I hope I have helped you in yours.
You have shared my great triumphs. You came to my graduation, helped me celebrate each new stage of my life. You were there for me when I just needed someone to talk to.
Going out driving with you can be the highlight of my times at home, spending time with you jamming out to whatever we decide to play or even just talking about anything and everything as we wander about, traversing the entire county, it seems.
Summers being suddenly invited to come swim or play pool litter throughout my memories as twinkling little stars, learning how to do better and having fun with you at the same time. Random dinners out at Chick-fil-a scattered throughout everything.
You are such an integral part of my life that I don’t know what I would do without you. Sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself. Even though we may not talk every day, I know you’re always there. I love you best friend.
And you know I don't use hashtags lightly.