There are many words in the dictionary, and it's impossible to know them all. Here are some that might be useful to you, even though you would have never thought they existed.
1. Aglet
The plastic at the end of a show lace.
2. Overmorrow
The day after tomorrow.
3. Barm
The foam on top of beer.
4. Aphthongs
Aphthongs are the silent letters in words.
5. Box Tent
The "table" in the middle of a pizza that helps the cardboard from touching the pizza.
6. Petrichor
The smell of earth after it rains.
7. Interrobang
The combination of both an exclamation mark and a question mark.
8. Nurdle
A tiny dab of toothpaste.
9. Leminiscate
Another word for the infinity symbol.
10. Desire Path
A path created by natural means simply because it is the shortest distance traveled.
11. Dysania
The state of finding it hard to get out of bed.
12. Collywobbles
The feeling of having butterflies in your stomach.
13. Muntin
The strip separating window panes.It doesn't hurt to enhance your vocabulary! You'd be surprised what you can learn just from looking at for a while.