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13 Weird Wikipedia Articles To Read Instead Of Spending A Day On The Couch Watching Netflix

Wikipedia deep dives can be more entertaining than The Office!


Yeah, I said it. Wikipedia is more interesting than Netflix. Maybe it's because I prefer reading over watching TV, maybe it's because I haven't had much experience with Netflix in general, but for whatever reason I find refreshing the Wikipedia app's "random article" feature til my eyes bleed is more engaging than listening to canned laughter. If you feel the same way, enjoy these 13 weird and wacky articles.

1. The Kingdom of Hamsteria

Here you can learn about the rich of history of the fabled land of Hamsteria!

2. Don't Make These Articles; They're Stupid

Oh, did I mention that writing these Wikipedia article ideas would be dumb? Interesting...I thought I did.

3. Umm...Are the Editors Ok?

Yeah...these are the people editing the world's biggest public database. Has anyone checked on them lately? Are they alright?!

4. Haha...That's FUNny!

The Department of Fun is meant to keep Wikipedians entertained...or so they say. Sounds like a 1984 conspiracy to me.

5. Seriously...Is Everyone Ok On This Website?!

No...really...I'm starting to get worried. Who in their right minds can even imagine titling an article "Scandinavian Anniversary Marshmallow" and "The Beef Seeds"?!

6. The Church of Bones

Yep, you heard correctly! This church's interior is decorated with human bones...ew.

7. How Do You Spell Fish?

If you thought to yourself "uh...duh...f-i-s-h", then think again.

8. Can Someone Please Tell Me What Rhymes with Orange?!

Try and think of one, I dare you. Then once you give up, read this Wikipedia article about words that can't rhyme.

9. What Is This Book And Where Is It From?

Turns out no one really knows what it is! Part of the mystery I suppose.

10. Preserved Fish

Imagine being named this. Yes, I'm being serious. His name was Preserved Fish.

11. Be Glad You Don't Have A Headache

Back in the "olden days," doctors used to drill holes in their patients' heads. It was called trepanning and no, I didn't make it up.

12. Is There A Tempest Coming? Ask The Leeches

A barometer made of leeches: now I've really seen it all.

13. It Was As If an Occult Hand...

Who knew a secret society could become an inside joke between writers?

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